Solved Question Paper of Recruitment Test (Computer Based Recruitment Test) conducted by UPSC for the Posts of Medical Officer (General Duty Medical Officer), Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi held on 20.10.2019.
21. A patient with anaemia is found to have low MCV, low reticulocyte count, low MCH, target cells on blood smear, and a normal serum ferritin levels. The most suggestive diagnosis is:(a) Anemia of chronic disease
(b) Sideroblastic anemia
(c) Iron deficiency anemia
(d) Beta-thalassemia trait
Answer: (d)
(a) Nickel
(b) Phenacetin
(c) Vinyl chloride
(d) Asbestos
Answer: (b)
1. There is increased plasma volume which lowers the measured hemoglobin level
2. There is progressive neutropenia
3. Tissue stores of folic acid become depleted
4. Procoagulant factors increase approximately threefold, starting from the second trimester
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 2 and 4
(d) 1, 3 and 4
Answer: (d)
(a) Factors I, VII, IX, XII
(b) Factors II, VIII, XI, XIII
(c) Factors V, VII, X, XI
(d) Factors II, VII, IX, X
Answer: (d)
(a) Parathyroid adenoma
(b) Pituitary adenoma
(c) Testicular cancer
(d) Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Answer: (d)
(a) Thyrotoxicosis
(b) Pheochromocytoma
(c) Acromegaly
(d) Adrenal insufficiency
Answer: (c)
(a) Primary hypothyroidism
(b) Primary hyperparathyroidism
(c) Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
(d) Hypoparathyroidism
Answer: (b)
(a) Failure to suppress serum cortisol with low dose of oral dexamethasone
(b) Abnormally elevated late night serum cortisol
(c) Abnormally elevated late night salivary cortisol
(d) Reduced levels of 24 hour urine free cortisol
Answer: (d)
(a) 0 to +1
(b) –1 to 0
(c) –2.5 to -1
(d) < -2.5
Answer: (d)
(a) Gastric banding
(b) Heller’s myotomy
(c) Roux-en-y gastric bypass
(d) Duodenal switch
Answer: (b)
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