1. Assertion (A): Intra-mural and extramural welfare are mutually complimentary.

Reason (R): The work-life balances need to be ensured in order to get the best output from an employee.

(A) Assertion is wrong but Reason is logical.
(B) Both Assertion and Reason are wrong.
(C) Assertion and Reason are right.
(D) The Assertion is right but Reason is wrong.

2. Which of the following statements is not true in explaining the concept and scope of labour welfare?

(A) Labour welfare has no roots in social work.
(B) Long Arm of the job and social invasion of workplace concepts, explain the mutuality between intramural and extramural labour welfare
(C) Labour welfare is a social concept.
(D) Corporate social responsibility is an extended concept of welfare.

3. Who is the champion of the ‘Welfare movement’ propagated in mid-19th century?

(A) Frederick Winslow Taylor
(B) Andrew Ure
(C) Sheebhom Rownlvee
(D) Robert Owners

4. Sequence the following developments by their period of occurrence from earliest to the latest:

(i) The Labour Investigation Committee
(ii) The Whitley Commission
(iii) The Enactment of Factories Act
(iv) The 1st National Commission on Labour

(A) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

5. Which of the following statements about characteristics of labour is not true?

(A) Labour is a perishable commodity.
(B) Labour cannot be separated from the person.
(C) Workers have no reserve price.
(D) Labour is as flexible and mobile as capital.

6. Which of the following statements about labour market is not true?

(A) Labour market like commodity market is analyzed by supply, demand and price equilibrium.
(B) Labour Market is relatively more local than commodity market.
(C) Unlike a commodity market, the relationship between a buyer and seller in a labour market is not temporary.
(D) Monopoly in the labour market is high.

7. Money Wage is otherwise called as

(A) Real wage
(B) Living wage
(C) Nominal wage
(D) Fair wage

8. Wage Boards set right

(A) Inter-regional differentials
(B) Inter-sectoral differentials
(C) Intra-industry differentials
(D) Inter-industry differentials

9. Which of the following is not a determinant of wages?

(A) Prevailing wages
(B) Bargaining strength of Unions
(C) Job Evaluation
(D) Performance Appraisal

10. Which of the following is not a part of the Scheme of Workers’ Participation in Management in India?

(A) Shop Level Councils
(B) Joint Level Councils
(C) Unit Level Councils
(D) Industrial Level Councils