1. To survive and avoid competition for the same resources, a species usually occupies only part of its fundamental niche in a particular community orecosystem. This is called
(A) Geographic isolation
(B) Mutualism
(C) Realized Niche
(D) Broad Niche

2. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of community?
(A) Populations of different species occupying a particular place.
(B) Complex interacting network of plants, animals and microbes.
(C) Different species interacting with one another and with their environment of matter and energy.
(D) Groups of interacting individuals of different species.

3. Which of the following food chain is correct?
(A) Krill → Adelie Penguins → Emperor Penguins → Leopard Seal
(B) Krill → Crab eater Seal → Leopard Seal → Killer Whale
(C) Krill → Leopard Seal → Emperor Penguins → Killer Whale
(D) Krill → Crab eater Seal → Killer Whale → Leopard Seal

4. The observation that individuals of a population are uniformly distributed suggests that
(A) Density of population is low.
(B) Resources are distributed unevenly.
(C) The members of the population are neither attracted to nor repelled by one another.
(D) The members of the population are competing for access to a resource.

5. Which of the following biomes is correctly paired with the description of its climate?
(A) Tropical forests – nearly constant day length and temperature
(B) Tundra – long summers, mild winters
(C) Savannah – cool temperature year-round, uniform precipitation during the year
(D) Temperate grasslands – relatively short growing season, mild winters.

6. In which year Wildlife Protection Act was enacted?
(A) 1962
(B) 1972
(C) 1982
(D) 1992

7. Match the List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I                                                                        List – II
(Components)                                                                         (Dimensions)
(a) Equitable utilization of natural resources              (i) Social dimensions
(b) Benefit to disadvantaged group                            (ii) Economic dimensions
(c) Creation of additional value                                  (iii) Environmental dimensions
(d) Elimination of toxic substances                            (iv) Political dimensions

       (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(C) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(D) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

8. “Hot spots” are areas,
(i) Extremely rich in species
(ii) With high endemism
(iii) Extremely scarce in species
(iv) Under constant threat

Choose the correct answer from the codes:
(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(D) (i), (ii) and (iv)

9. A paddy field is an example of
(A) Fresh water ecosystem
(B) Terrestrial ecosystem
(C) Auto ecosystem
(D) Engineered ecosystem

10. Which pyramid cannot be inverted in a stable ecosystem?
(A) Pyramid of energy
(B) Pyramid of biomass
(C) Pyramid of number
(D) Pyramid of dry weight

11. Which one of the following environmental factors is responsible for cyclomorphism in animals?
(A) Moisture
(B) Temperature
(C) Photoperiod
(D) Wind

12. Which bacterium found in soil is anaerobic?
(A) Clostridium Sp
(B) Azatobacter Sp
(C) Bacillus Sp
(D) Thiobacillus Sp

13. National Land Reform Policy stresses on
(A) Restoration of ecological balance
(B) Natural regeneration
(C) Tenancy reforms
(D) Watershed approach

14. The relationship between two organisms in which one receives benefit at the cost of other is known as
(A) Predation
(B) Parasitism
(C) Scavenging
(D) Symbiosis

15. Species diversity increases as one proceeds from
(A) Higher to lower altitude and higher to lower latitude
(B) Lower to higher altitude and higher to lower latitude
(C) Lower to higher altitude and lower to higher latitude
(D) Higher to lower altitude and lower to higher latitude