1. The climate sensitivity parameter is defined as the rate of change of

(A) Surface temperature with albedo of earth
(B) Surface temperature with CO2 concentration in atmosphere
(C) Precipitation with earth’s temperature
(D) Surface temperature with radioactive forcing.

2. Gasification is

(A) The high temperature (~ 750 – c850 °C) conversion of solid, carbonaceous fuel into flammable gas mixtures.
(B) The high temperature (~ 750 – 850 °C) conversion of solid, carbonaceous fuel into liquid.
(C) The low temperature (~ 250 – 350 °C) conversion of solid, carbonaceous fuel into flammable gas mixture.
(D) The low temperature (~ 250 – 350 °C) conversion of solid, carbonaceous fuel into liquid.

3. What led to maximum number of fatalities during Indonesian 2004 Earthquake?

(A) Death on account of openings on surface
(B) Fires generated due to earthquake
(C) Epidemic diseases
(D) Tsunami

4. Halon – 1301 is a

(A) Solvent
(B) Fire extinguisher 
(C) Refrigerant
(D) Aerosol propellant

5. Which of the following is a primary pollutant in atmospheric air?

(A) Cl2
(B) SO3
(C) Nitrates
(D) Sulphates

6. ‘Fanning’ smokestack plumes are observed when

(A) There is an inversion above the ground surface.
(B) There is unstable atmosphere.
(C) There is neutrally stable atmosphere.
(D) The stack height is below an inversion layer.

7. The cyclonic winds are generated by the approximate balance between

(A) Pressure gradient force and coriolis force
(B) Centrifugal force and coriolis force
(C) Centrifugal force, coriolis force and frictional drag force.
(D) Centrifugal force and pressure gradient force.

8. Highly inflammable liquid/chemicals have flash point

(A) Lower than 23 °C
(B) Between 23 and 26 °C
(C) Between 27 and 31 °C
(D) Between 32 and 40 °C

9. Which one of the following does not contribute to climate change?

(A) NO
(B) O3
(C) SF6
(D) HFCs

10. The gaseous material which is used for the synthesis of Methyl isocyanate is

(A) Chloranil
(B) Sevin
(C) Phosgene
(D) Chlorine

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