1. What does Deficit financing mean?
a) Government of India borrows from World Bank
b) Government of India borrows from IMF
c) Government of India borrows from SBI
d) Government of India borrows from RBI
2. RBI known as lender of last resort because:
a) Government of India borrows from World Bank
b) Government of India borrows from IMF
c) Government of India borrows from SBI
d) Government of India borrows from RBI
2. RBI known as lender of last resort because:
b) Banks lend to go to RBI as a last resort
c) It comes to help banks in times of crisis
d) All of the above
3. These days RBI uses Selective credit control measures rather infrequently because of:
a) Deregulation of functions
b) Autonomy given to banks
c) Comfortable liquidity
d) All the above
4. Which is incorrect with regard to powers of RBI:
b) Controls banking system through licensing
c) Supervises Banking system through inspection
d) None of the above
a) Exporters
b) Importers
c) RBI
d) IMF
a) Importers
b) Exporters
c) RBI
d) Demand and supply forces
a) Nariman committee
b) Narasimham committee
c) Gadgil committee
d) Puri committee
a) Gadgil committee
b) Nariman committee
c) Narasimham committee
d) khanna Committee
a) Consultancy on finance to a company
b) Advance in capital structure
c) Managing mergers & in finalizing take over
d) All the above
a) Bond
b) Share
c) Debenture
d) Warrant
a) It is an association of members of public
b) These members want to invest in financial instrument
c) They want to invest in financial instrument assets of business sector
d) All the above
c) RBI
a) Rs. 5
b) Rs. 10
c) Rs. 50
d) Rs. 2500
a) Central Bank of India
b) UCO Bank
c) Aegon Religare
d) Dena Bank
b) Demand Deposit
c) Bond
d) Mortgage
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