1. Who among the following heads the RBI Working group on boosting Export Finance?
a) Govind Kumar Menon
b) Mukul Mudgal
c) Gopal Kundu
d) G Padmanabhan
2. Who among the following is the head of the committee formed by SEBI to frame a single set of guidelines for all types of foreign investors?
a) Prabhat Kumar
b) T.R. Prasad
c) K.M. Chandrashekhar
d) Kamal Pande
3. Section 9 of the Banking Regulation Act prohibits the banking Companies from holding any immovable property except for its own use for a period of not more property. The RBI may extend this period for a further period of ______:
a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 5 years
d) 6 years
4. Which of the following stock exchange is derecognized by SEBI on 19.11.2014 on the allegations of serious irregularities in its functioning?
a) Bombay Stock Exchange
b) Delhi Stock Exchange
c) Calcutta Stock Exchange
d) Bangalore Stock Exchange
5. Which of the following is not a function of General Insurance?
a) Cattle Insurance
b) Crop Insurance
d) Fire Insurance
d) Medical Insurance
6. Minimum cash reserves fixed by law constitute ___
a) A percentage of aggregate deposits of the bank
b) A percentage of aggregate loans and advances of the bank
c) A percentage of capital & reserves of the bank
d) All of the above
7. Which of the following types of accounts are known as "Demat Accounts"?
a) Zero Balance Accounts
b) Accounts which are opened to facilitate repayment of a loan taken from the bank. No
other business can be conducted from there
c) Accounts in which shares of various companies are traded in electronic form
d) Accounts which are operated through internet banking facility
8. Mortgage is a:
a) Security on movable property for a loan
b) Security on immovable property for a loan
c) Concession on immovable property
d) Facility on immovable property
9. Identify the well known person related to Banking field in India from the following?
a) Mrs. Meira Kumar
b) Mrs. Kiran Shaw
c) Mr. Arun Jaitley
d) Dr. D subbarao
10. Currency notes deposited in the currency chest are the property of ____?
a) Respective bank
b) RBI
c) SBI
d) Government of India
11. A fixed deposit receipt is kept with the bank for its safety, is known as ___?
a) Safe custody
b) Safe deposit
c) Locker
d) Valid safe deposit
12. Who among the following is the primary regulator of Banking business?
a) Reserve Bank of India
b) Central Government
c) State Government
d) Parliament
13. The main business of banks is to accept deposits from the public. However, a bank can refuse to permit opening an account on behalf of _______:
a) Undesirable persons
b) Artificial persons
c) Arrested persons
d) Convicted persons
14. Section 6(A) of B.R. Act has given the list of ancillary services which can be rendered by a Bank under the Banking Regulation Act. In the event that a Bank wants to undertake any other services (other than the list):
a) the bank can seek authority from the RBI
b) Board of directors of that Bank can decide the business suitable to the bank
c) it can be decided by the Bank in the shareholders meeting
d) Bank can do so if that business is notified by the Central Government as the lawful business of a Banking company
15. Banking Companies are prohibited under Sec 8 of banking Regulation Act to sell and purchase securities. Yet Banks are selling securities (of the customer) which are under pledge as permitted by:
a) Indian Contract Act
c) Government Notification
d) Banking Regulation Act
a) Govind Kumar Menon
b) Mukul Mudgal
c) Gopal Kundu
d) G Padmanabhan
b) T.R. Prasad
c) K.M. Chandrashekhar
d) Kamal Pande
b) 4 years
c) 5 years
d) 6 years
a) Bombay Stock Exchange
b) Delhi Stock Exchange
c) Calcutta Stock Exchange
d) Bangalore Stock Exchange
a) Cattle Insurance
b) Crop Insurance
d) Fire Insurance
d) Medical Insurance
a) A percentage of aggregate deposits of the bank
b) A percentage of aggregate loans and advances of the bank
c) A percentage of capital & reserves of the bank
d) All of the above
a) Zero Balance Accounts
b) Accounts which are opened to facilitate repayment of a loan taken from the bank. No
other business can be conducted from there
c) Accounts in which shares of various companies are traded in electronic form
d) Accounts which are operated through internet banking facility
a) Security on movable property for a loan
b) Security on immovable property for a loan
c) Concession on immovable property
d) Facility on immovable property
a) Mrs. Meira Kumar
b) Mrs. Kiran Shaw
c) Mr. Arun Jaitley
d) Dr. D subbarao
a) Respective bank
b) RBI
c) SBI
d) Government of India
a) Safe custody
b) Safe deposit
c) Locker
d) Valid safe deposit
a) Reserve Bank of India
b) Central Government
c) State Government
d) Parliament
a) Undesirable persons
b) Artificial persons
c) Arrested persons
d) Convicted persons
a) the bank can seek authority from the RBI
b) Board of directors of that Bank can decide the business suitable to the bank
c) it can be decided by the Bank in the shareholders meeting
d) Bank can do so if that business is notified by the Central Government as the lawful business of a Banking company
a) Indian Contract Act
c) Government Notification
d) Banking Regulation Act
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