1. In Joan Robinson’s growth model, capital accumulation depends on
(A) Saving-income ratio
(B) Profit-wage relation and labour productivity
(C) Profit-income ratio and capital productivity
(D) Saving-investment ratio

2. In Hicks’ neutral technical progress, the technical progress is
(A) Capital augmenting
(B) Labour augmenting
(C) Both Labour and Capital augmenting
(D) Change in the efficiency and productivity of labour

3. In dual gap model, the gap can be filled up by
(A) Raising the level of saving
(B) Export promotion
(C) Steady rate of growthwww.netugc.com
(D) Foreign aid

4. The concept of ‘learning by doing’ was given by
(A) J.R. Hicks
(B) Kenneth Arrow
(C) Joan Robinson
(D) Nicholas Kaldor

5. Which of the following represents the concept of human capital?
(A) Total human resources
(B) Total population
(C) Human resources gainfully employed in productive activities
(D) All of the above

6. Which of the following is disadvantageous to developing countries’ international trade?
(A) Protection
(B) Free trade
(C) Exports of primary and import of manufactured goods
(D) None of the above

7. Labour theory of value was propounded by
a. Adam Smith
b. David Ricardo
c. Ragnar Nurkse, Gunnar Myrdal, R.M. Solow
d. Fei-Rani’s, Ragnar Nurkse
Codes :
(A) a and b
(B) a and c
(C) a, b, c
(D) a, b, c, d

8. The features of the classical system are
a. Monetary factors determine output and employment.
b. Self adjusting mechanism of the economy.
c. State action to direct development.
d. Optimization through market in the absence of state control.
Codes :
(A) a and b
(B) a, b, c
(C) b and d
(D) a, b, d

9. Concepts of displacement and concentration effect in public expenditure are attributed to
a. A.C. Pigou and J.K. Mehta
b. Alan T. Peacock and Jack Wiseman
c. Kenneth Arrow and Paul A. Samuelson
d. A.R. Prest and I.M.D. Little
Codes :
(A) a and b
(B) b
(C) a, b, c
(D) a, b, c, d

10. Human Development Index (HDI) is constructed with reference to
a. Life expectancy at birth, real GDP per capita, gross enrolment ratio, adult literacy rate.
b. Life expectancy at birth, real GDP per capita, combined gross enrolment ratio, adult literacy rate.
c. Life expectancy, GDP per capita, infant mortality rate, literacy rate.
d. GDP per capita, infant mortality rate, literacy rate
Codes :
(A) a and b
(B) a and c
(C) c
(D) a, b, d

11. The unbalanced growth model was propounded first by
a. Albert O. Hirschman
b. H.S. Singer and Raul Prebisch
c. Kindelberger and Ragnar Nurkse
d. W.W. Rostow and Paul Streeten
Codes :
(A) a and b
(B) a and c
(C) a and d
(D) a

12. Harrod-Domar model of growth is based on the concepts of and their equality
a. Population and productivity growth.
b. Investment and average growth rate of income.
c. Actual, warranted and natural growth rate.
d. Productivity growth and investment growth.
Codes :
(A) a and c
(B) a and d
(C) c
(D) a, b, c

13. Factor endowment theory is also known as
a. Modern theory of international trade.
b. Classical theory of international trade.
c. Reciprocal demand theory.
d. Factor proportions theory of international trade.
Codes :
(A) a and b
(B) b and c
(C) a and d
(D) c and d

14. Most important theory of increasing public expenditure is associated with
a. Adolph Wagner’s hypothesis
b. Critical limit hypothesis
c. Administrative efficiency hypothesis
d. Stability of income hypothesis
Codes :
(A) a and b
(B) a and c
(C) a
(D) c and d

15. Under the Brettonwood system, the long term development assistance was to be provided by
b. IDA
c. IMF
d. All the above
Codes :
(A) a and b
(B) a, b, c
(C) b and c
(D) d