1. A distributed lag for net investment may be due to?
(A) A decrease in the capital output ratio
(B) An increase in the capital output ratio
(C) Limited, short-run production capabilities in capital goods industry
(D) Limited long-run production capabilities in capital goods industry

2. The product of regression coefficients is always?
(A) Positive
(B) Negative
(C) Zero
(D) A complex number

3. The nature of classical unemployment is?
(A) Disguised
(B) Frictional
(D) Structural

4. Which one of the following properties shows the high degree of dispersion?
(A) Homogeneity
(B) Consistency
(C) Uniformity
(D) Variability

5. The New Exploration License Policy (NELP) of the Government of India is related with?
(A) Coal and Lignite
(B)Uranium and Thorium
(C) Diamond and Precious Stones
(D) Oil and Gas

6. Full employment is a situation when?
(A) Cyclical unemployment is zero
(B) Frictional unemployment is zero
(C) Seasonal unemployment is zero
(D) Disguised unemployment is zero

7. Which Indian Company has been included for the first time in U.S. As index NASDAQ-100? (A)Infosys
(B)Tata Motors
(C) ICICI Bank
(D) Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited

8. The natural rate of unemployment is the sum of?
(A) Frictional unemployment and Structural unemployment
(B) Frictional unemployment and Cyclical unemployment
(C) Structural unemployment and Cyclical unemployment
(D) Structural unemployment and Seasonal unemployment

9. The nature of statistical inference is?
(A) Inductive
(B) Deductive
(C) Descriptive
(D) Objective

10. Mean deviation is always?
(A) Equal to the standard deviation 
(B) Less than the standard deviation
(C) More than the standard deviation
(D) Twice of the standard deviation

11. The coefficient of alienation is known as?
(A) Against correlation
(B) Against variance
(C) Against association
(D) Against determination

12. The Divergence Indicator is related with?
(A) Wage rate of workers
(B) Exchange rate of currencies
C) Profit of firms
(D) Market price of shares

13. The Samuelson-Holt formula provides a measure of?
(A) Consumers equilibrium
(B) Consumers surplus
(C) Elasticity of demand
(D) Marginal utility

14. The most liquid asset among the following is?
(A) Gold
(B) Share
(D) Land

15. Ricardian Equivalence is related with?
(A) Low deficit, less saving
(B) Low deficit, more saving
(C) High deficit, less saving
(D) High deficit, more saving