1. Expand CICOPA

(a) International Organisation of Industrial Artisanal and service Producers Cooperatives
(b) Confederation of International Cooperation of Producers and Agriculturists
(c) International Organisation of Agriculture and service Producers Cooperatives
(d) Cooperative institute of consumers and agricultural producers

2. Expand ICBA

(a) International Consumer Bank Alliance
(b) International Cooperative Banking Alliance
(c) International Cooperative British Agriculture
(d) International Cooperative Banking Association

3. Expand TICA

(a) International Association of Tourism
(b) Tourism International Cooperative and Associated
(c) Tourism Industry Cooperative Association
(d) International Tourism Cooperative and Associated

4. Expand IFAP

(a) International Federation of Agricultural Producers
(b) International Finance for Agricultural Producers
(c) Inter-country Finance for Agricultural Produce
(d) International Food Association of Pakistan

5. Expand AARRO

(a) Afro Asian Rural Reconstruction Organisation
(b) African Agricultural Rural Reconstruction Organisation
(c) Asian Agricultural Rural Reconstruction Organisation
(d) Alliance of Asian Rural Reconstruction Organisations

6. The ICA has ………………..member organizations around the world from …………..different countries as on 26th March 2013.

(a) 271, 96
(b) 226, 82
(c) 290, 101
(d) 215, 71

7. The main office of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific of ICA is at……………

(a) Jakarta
(b) Singapore
(c) New Delhi
(d) Beijing

8. Expand CCW

(a) World Consumers Cooperatives
(b) Consumer Cooperative Wild Life
(c) Cooperatives of Consumers Worldwide
(d) Consumer Cooperative Worldwide

9. Expand ICAO

(a) International Cooperative Artisan Organisation
(b) International Cooperative Aquaculture Organisation
(c) International Cooperative Agricultural Organisation
(d) International Cooperative Arts Organisation

10. Expand ICA

(a) International Cooperative Association
(b) International Cooperative Alliance
(c) International Cooperative Agriculture
(d) International Cooperative Assistance

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