1. Critically judge the following :
Assertion (A) : Pleasure or displeasure resulting from a learning experience decides the degree of its effectiveness.
Reason (R) : All pleasant experiences have a lasting influence and are remembered for a long- time while the unpleasant ones are soon forgetten.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation for (A).
(B) Only (R) is correct.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation for (A).

 2. Who had suggested that questions are a powerful means of triggering thinking and can lead people from “unconscious ignorance to conscious ignorance”?
(A) Socrates
(B) Chanakya
(C) Plato
(D) Aristotle

3. The function of a teacher is primarily that of
(A) a Guru, tending to personal and spiritual needs of children.
(B) a service station attendant, filling student’s mind with knowledge
(C) a director, organizing and planning worthwhile experiences for the class.
(D) a guide, helping children progress towards maximum growth.

4. Child centred education means
(A) education liked by children.
(B) education liked both by children and teachers.
(C) education geared to child’s needs and aspiration.
(D) education considered worthwhile and desirable by those who have a concern for their development.

5. Those whose educational philosophy is rooted in pragmatism
(A) reject the scientific method of experimentation.
(B) maintain that complete objectivity is possible.
(C) accept the stimulus response theory of learning.
(D) claim that knowledge is tentative, truth is relative.

6. The concept of pratityasamutpade (that nothing happens without a cause) is one of the central principles of
(A) Jainism
(B) Buddhism
(C) Vedanta
(D) Sakhya

7. Who, of the following thinkers declared education as a man making process?
(A) Aurobindo
(B) J. Krishnamurthi
(C) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(D) Vivekananda

8. Which, in your opinion, is the most appropriate answer?
Regarding acquisition of knowledge people say that
(A) sense perception is the only source of valid knowledge.
(B) it is reason alone which can provide in true knowledge.
(C) we never get knowledge, because these is no knowledge out there, it is our own creation.
(D) it is through reason and perception that we can get knowledge of the world.

 9. Which of the following thinkers said ‘Literacy itself is not education, literacy is only a means to education’?
(A) J. Krishnamurti
(B) Swami Vivekananda
(C) Sri Aurobindo
(D) Mahatma Gandhi

10. The four fold valuation of Indian culture (Catu puru artha), when arranged in an ascending hierarchy in terms of the height of values, will constitute which of the following orders?
(A) Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha
(B) Artha, Kama, Dharma, Moksha
(C) Artha, Dharma, Kama, Moksha
(D) Moksha, Dharma, Kama, Artha

11. Who defined sociology of education as ‘a study of the relation between education and society’?
(A) Brown
(B) Ottaway
(C) Good
(D) Smith

12. Religion acts as a great barrier in social change because
(A) It preaches values.
(B) It depends on social gathering.
(C) It expects participation of all age groups.
(D) It is based on faith.

13. The affecting factor of social mobility is
(A) Constitution
(B) Structure of society
(C) Culture
(D) Equality

14. The nature of social values is
(A) Logical
(B) Symbolical
(C) Emotional
(D) Materialistic

15. Cultural diffusion is
(A) Technological intermingling
(B) Cultural intermingling
(C) Scientific intermingling
(D) All above