1. Archimedes
found the solution of his problem when he was in his bath tub.
This will come
under which step of process of creativity?
(A) Preparation
(B) Incubation
(C) Illumination
(D) Verification
2. Assertion (A):
is important in the process of teaching and learning.
Reason (R):
Motivation is attraction towards a goal and clarifies its meaning.
(A) Only (A) is
correct and (R) is incorrect.
(B) Only (A) is
(C) Only (R) is
(D) Both (A) and
(R) are correct.
3. The pioneer of
functionalism is
(A) Wilhelm Wundt
(B) William James
(C) J.B. Watson
(D) Kurt Lewin
4. Names of
different types of intelligence tests are given in List – I and examples of
questions are given in List – II. Match the correct name of the test to
List – I
List – II
a. Vocabulary
test 1. In what ways animals and plants are alike?
b. Memory test 2. Where is Tajmahal situated?
c. Information
test 3. What is the meaning of the word “Eventually”?
d. Association
test 4. What is the mobile number of your class teacher?
5. Why are nights
longer and days shorter in winter?
a b c d
(A) 3 5 4 1
(B) 3 1 5 2
(C) 1 4 2 5
(D) 3 4 2 1
5. Re-arrange the
following steps of social learning theory as given by Bandura.
a. Remembering
the behaviour.
b. Converting the
memory into action.
c. Reinforcement
of the imitated behaviour.
d. Attending to
and perceiving the behaviour.
(A) a, b, d, c
(B) d, a, b, c
(C) d, a, c, b
(D) a, d, b, c
6. Nihar fails in
the examination and attributes his failure to the framing of the faulty
question paper. Which defence mechanism does he use?
(A) Projection
(B) Compensation
7. Which of the
following is not a characteristic of Naturalistic Inquiry?
(A) Multiple
(C) Human
(D) Value Based
8. Find out the
odd one:
(A) Originality
(B) Punctuality
(C) Flexibility
(D) Fluency
9. Who propounded
Self Theory of Personality?
(A) Kretschmer
(B) Allport
(C) Eysenck
(D) Roger
10. Beginning
with family
as the lowest unit which of the following constitutes correctly sequenced
hierarchy of social group?
(A) Nation – Race
– Class – Tribe – Family.
(B) Family –
Class – Tribe – Race – Nation.
(C) Family –
Tribe – Race – Class – Nation.
(D) Family – Race
– Class – Tribe – Nation.
11. Use of
Science and Technology in replacing existing social practices is termed as
(A) Socialization
(C) Sanskritization
(D) Modernization
12. The process
of imbibing one’s own culture in one’s personality is termed as
(A) Enculturation
(B) Acculturation
(C) Socialization
13. Which of the
following chains represents the change processes underlying educational system
of Free India?
(A) Psychological
change – Social change – Political change – Educational change.
(B) Political
change – Social change – Psychological change – Educational change.
(C) Social change
– Psychological change – Political change – Educational change.
(D) Educational
change – Social change – Psychological change.
14. Equality of
opportunities in education implies that each student
(A) Passes
examination with first division.
(B) gets equal
number of books and stationery.
(C) Gets
facilities according to his abilities and interests.
(D) Gets
facilities according to his potential and level in the society.
15. Introspection
method lacks in
(A) Reliability
(B) Validity
(C) Objectivity
(D) All the above
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