1. A child from a disorganized home will experience the greatest difficulty with:
(a) well structured lessons
(b) independent study
(c) programmed instruction
(d) workbooks
(a) well structured lessons
(b) independent study
(c) programmed instruction
(d) workbooks
2. The normal twelve –year –old child is most likely to:
(a) have difficulty with gross motor coordination
(b) have anxiety feelings about pleasing adults
(c) confine his/her interests to the here and now
(d) be eager for peer approval
3. When an individual repeats those leanings that, in the past, proved to be highly satisfying such behavior can best be explained by the law of
(a) recency(b) frequency
(c) readiness
(d) effect
(a) their parent’s attitudes
(b) the attitudes of their peer
(c) the influence of television
(d) their sibling’ attitudes
5. All of the following are sound mental hygiene practices, except
(a) asking pupils to correct their answers after their tests have been marked
(b) discussing an individual pupil’s test marks with the class
(c) asking parents to sign test papers so that that they are aware of their child’s marks.
(d) Having pupil’s keep a record of their own test marks
(a) asking pupils to correct their answers after their tests have been marked
(b) discussing an individual pupil’s test marks with the class
(c) asking parents to sign test papers so that that they are aware of their child’s marks.
(d) Having pupil’s keep a record of their own test marks
6. Martin Luther’s greatest contribution to education was his:
(a) Ninety –Five Theses
(b) Translation of the Bible into German
(c) Advocacy of science curriculum for the universities
(d) Concept of justification by good works
7. Of the following the statement that is least educationally valid is that:
(a) heterogeneous grouping is undemocratic
(b) Drill periods should be brief
(c) Study habits should be taught
(d) Overlearning constitutes a waste of time
(b) Translation of the Bible into German
(c) Advocacy of science curriculum for the universities
(d) Concept of justification by good works
7. Of the following the statement that is least educationally valid is that:
(a) heterogeneous grouping is undemocratic
(b) Drill periods should be brief
(c) Study habits should be taught
(d) Overlearning constitutes a waste of time
(a) Ten per cent
(b) Thirty per cent
(c) Fifty per cent
(d) Eighty per cent
9. The term ‘identical elements is closely associated with:
(a) group instruction
(b) transfer of learning
(c) jealousy between twins
(d) similar test questions
(a) group instruction
(b) transfer of learning
(c) jealousy between twins
(d) similar test questions
(a) too young to be taught classroom routines
(b) not yet concerned with group approval
(c) very concerned with adult approval
(d) not concerned with neatness
11. De facto school segregation is segregation that is primarily a result of:
(a) guidelines issued by the State Commissioner of Education
(b) discriminatory zoning of a local school board
(c) Residence patterns of the community
(d) Federal education laws
(a) guidelines issued by the State Commissioner of Education
(b) discriminatory zoning of a local school board
(c) Residence patterns of the community
(d) Federal education laws
12. The educator who advanced the idea of the five formal steps in leaving was:
(a) Rousseau
(b) Comenius
(c) Pestalozzi
(d) Herbart
13. That the mind of an infant is a tabula rasa is the contribution of:
(a) Plato
(b) Horace Man
(c) John Locke
(d) J.J Rousseau
14. The disadvantaged child’s chances for success in school will be maximized when:
(a) he/she is given a high concentration of skills subjects
(b) he/she is provided with vocational training earlier than other children
(c) He/she is treated like any other child
(d) His/her intellectual potential is discovered and his/her educational deficiencies are overcome
15. “The individual develops through the head, the heart, and the hand”, this was the educational philosophy of:
(a) Herbart(b) Comenius
(c) Pestalozzi
(d) Froebel
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