1. ‘First come last go and last come first go’ is the principle of

(A) Lay-off
(B) Closure
(C) Retrenchment
(D) Dismissal

2. Which of the following statements with regard to labour welfare is not correct?

(A) Welfare is a social concept.
(B) Welfare is a relative concept.
(C) Welfare is a positive concept.
(D) Welfare is an absolute concept.

3. Which of the following is not an intramural welfare facility?

(A) Canteen
(B) Workmen safety measures
(C) Housing facility
(D) Drinking water facility

4. Match the following:

Principles of Welfare Work                            Theme
a. Principle of Coordination or Integration  i. When welfare is given for a felt need at the opportune moment.
b. Principle of Association                          ii. When welfare is treated as a total concept and not a piece-meal programme.
c. Principle of Accountability                      iii. Work with individual is motto of this principle.
d. Principle of Timeliness                           iv. Welfare is to be satisfactorily utilized is the motto of this principle.

        a b c d
(A) ii iv iii i
(B) ii iii iv i
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) iv ii i iii

5. “The factory and industrial workplaces provide ample opportunities for owners and managers of capital to exploit workers in an unfair manner. This cannot be allowed to continue” is the philosophy of which theory of Labour Welfare?

(A) Placating Theory
(B) Functional Theory
(C) Policing Theory
(D) Religious Theory

6. “A place for everything and everything in its place” is the principle that governs

(A) Placement
(B) Housekeeping
(C) Office keeping
(D) Floor Management

7. Which of the following is not a peculiarity of labour market?

(A) Labour market is normally local in nature.
(B) The number of buyers is less than the number of sellers.
(C) Labour is less mobile.
(D) Worker can sell not only his own labour but also the labour of his fellow workers.

8. Which one of the following is not a characteristic feature of Indian labour force?

(A) High rate of absenteeism and labour turnover
(B) Low degree of unionization rate
(C) Lack of mobility
(D) Homogeneous in nature

9. Which of the following is not a type of wage differentials?

(A) Occupational
(B) Geographical
(C) Industrial
(D) Social

10. The Concepts of Wages like Minimum Wage, Fair Wage and Living Wages were given by

(A) Royal Commission on Labour
(B) First National Commission on Labour
(C) Committee on Fair Wages
(D) Adarkar Committee