1. Verbal guidance is
least effective in the learning of:
(A) Aptitudes
(B) Skills
(C) Attitudes
(D) Relationship
2. Which is the most important aspect of the teacher's role in learning?
(A) The development of
insight into what constitutes an adequate performance
(B) The development of
insight into what constitutes the pitfalls and dangers to be avoided
(C) The provision of
encouragement and moral support
(D) The provision of
continuous diagnostic and remedial help
3. The most appropriate
purpose of learning is:
(A) personal adjustment
(B) modification of
(D) preparing oneself
for employment
4. The students who keep
on asking questions in the class should be:
(A) encouraged to find
answer independently
(B) advised to meet the
teacher after the class
(C) encouraged to
continue questioning
(D) advised not to
disturb during the lecture
5. Maximum participation
of students is possible in teaching through:
(A) discussion method
(B) lecture method
(C) audio-visual aids
(D) text book method
6. Use of radio for
higher education is based on the presumption of:
(A) Enriching curriculum
based instruction
(B) Replacing teacher in
the long run
(C) Everybody having
access to a radio set
(D) Other means of
instruction getting outdated
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