1. Which of the following statements is correct? A de-facto government is government:

(A) Whose origin and existence is contrary to the Constitutional law of the State concerned and legality is challenged in International law.
(B) Whose origin and existence is in conformity with the Constitutional law of the State represented and whose legality is uncontested in International law.
(C) Which exercise control over a Foreign State?
(D) Which has been forced to leave the territory of its State due to enemy occupation or civil war?

2. Under which of the following Article of the U.N. Charter there is an obligation to inform the Security Council if the regional arrangements take any enforcement action for maintenance of peace and security?

(A) Article 51
(B) Article 54
(C) Article 107
(D) Article 108

3. In which one of the following cases the permanent court of International justice held, “it is a generally acceptable principle of international law that in relations, between powers, who are contracting parties to a treaty, the provisions of the municipal law cannot prevail over the treaty”?

(A) Navlilaa Incident Case
(B) Greco, Bulgarian Communities Case.
(C) Panevezys Saldutiskis Railway Case
(D) Polish Postal Service Case

4. The wife’s sister’s daughter’s son can be adopted. The adoption is

(A) Void
(B) Valid
(C) Voidable
(D) None of the above

5. Kritrima Adoption is prevalent in which areas of India?

(A) Madras
(B) Banaras
(C) Avadh
(D) Mithila

6. In which case the Supreme Court held that “Cohabitation leads to presumption that person are living as husband and wife”?

(A) Balasubramaniyam vs. Suruttayan AIR 1992 SC 756
(B) Seema vs. Ashwin Kumar AIR 2006 SC 1158
(C) Vishnu Prakash vs. Sheela Devi (2001) 4 SCC 729
(D) None of the above.

7. In which of the case, the Supreme Court held that it is desirable that “all marriages should be Compulsorily Registered in the State, where they are solemnized”?

(A) S. Nagalingamvs. Sivagani AIR (2001) SC 3576
(B) Shanti Dev Berma vs. K.P. Devi AIR (1991) SC 816
(C) SeemaVs Ashwin Kumar AIR 2006 SC 1158
(D) None of the above

8. Rules relating to prohibited degrees are based on the principle of

(A) Monogamy
(B) Polygamy
(C) Exogamy
(D) Endogamy

9. In Islamic Law, marriage is both ‘Ibadt’ and ‘Mammulat’. Who said this?

(A) Amir Ali Justice
(B) Dr. Fayzee
(C) Abdur-Rahim
(D) Mahmood Justice

10. A Muslim husband can delegate his right of Talaq to

(A) Any other person
(B) Wife only
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

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