1. Which among the following is a reversible lesion?
(A) Cryogenic lesion
(B) Aspiration lesion
(C) Radio-Frequency lesion
(D) Knife cut lesion
2. Match List-I with List-II and indicate your answer with the help of codes given below:
List – I
(Type of Bias)
List – II
p. Anchoring
1. Making estimates from an initial value
q. Hind sight
2. Adjusting past events by current knowledge
r. Framing
3. Phrasing of situation guides biased decision
s. Representativeness
4. Most stereo typical exemplars are selected
p q r s
(A) 2 1 4 3
(B) 1 3 2 4
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 1 2 3 4
3. Arrange different types of ‘Play’ in an increasing order of cognitive complexity:
1. Constructive
2. Dramatic
3. Functional
4. Games
(A) 2 1 3 4
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 1 3 2 4
4. Some people believe that certain objects bring luck and help them in being successful. Such superstitions may be the result of:
(A) Insight
(B) A program of behavior modification
(C) Auto Shaping
(D) Token economy systems
5. The way in which a child’s efforts to master a new or challenging task is supported in a flexible and contingent way by teachers, parents or more competent persons is called
(A) Scaffolding
(B) Social influence
(C) Social mediation
(D) Social referencing
6. Choose the right sequence for stages of a sleep bout.
7. Child using whole arm movement in writing before he uses his fingers in holding a pen or pencil is indicative of
(A) Proximo – Distal Principle
(B) Cephalo – Caudal Principle
(C) Specific movement
(D) Neural control
8. Principle stating that a more preferred activity can be used to reinforce a less preferred activity is referred to as:
(A) Trace conditioning
(B) Hull’s principle
(C) Principle of stimulus generalization
(D) Premack principle
9. According to Atkinson and Shiffrin model of human memory which of the following sequence of events is correct?
(A) Attention – sensory memory – short term memory – long term memory – elaborative rehearsal.
(B) Sensory memory – attention – short term memory – elaborative rehearsal – long term memory
(C) Attention – short term memory – sensory memory – elaborative rehearsal – long term memory
(D) Sensory memory – short term memory – attention – long term memory – elaborative rehearsal.
10. Attribution, the process by which we determine the causes behind other’s behaviour, involves focusing on which aspects of behaviour?
(A) Consensus, distinctiveness and attraction
(B) Distinctiveness, consistency and influence
(C) Consensus, consistency and distinctiveness
(D) Distinctiveness, influence and attraction
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