1. Which of the following assumption is
correct for stable population?
More MCQs on Population Studies
(A) Age-specific fertility and age
specific mortality has remained unchanged in the past.
(B) Fertility and mortality has remained
unchanged in the past.
(C) Age-specific fertility, age specific
mortality has remained unchanged and migration is nil.
(D) None of the above.
2. Selectivity bias in survey data:
(A) Are only important in the analysis of
birth interval.
(B) May affect studies of the interval
between marriages, geographic movement or job changes.
(C) Arise because women often forget the
exact age of birth of their children.
(D) Arise because the survey is cross
sectional rather than a complete longitudinal study of each birth cohort of
3. Match from List – I and List – II:
List – I
List – II
a. International Women’s Day
i. 8th March
b. World Health Day
ii. 7th April
c. World Environment Day
iii. 5th June
d. International Day of the Older
iv. 1st October
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) ii iv i iii
(D) iv i ii iii
4. Arrange sequentially the steps to
achieve population stabilization:
(a) Replacement level of fertility
(b) Zero population growth rate
(c) Stable age distribution
(d) CBR – CDR = 0
(A) a b c d
(B) b c d a
(C) a d b c
(D) d b c a
5. Which among the following items is not
aim of the National Policy on HIV/AIDS?
(A) Protect rights of those who are
infected and provide access to available care, support and treatment.
(B) Protect workers from stigma and
(C) Encourage transmission of HIV
infection among workers and their families.
(D) Ensure safe migration and mobility
with access to information services on HIV/AIDS.
6. Maximum female migration in India is
observed in
(A) Rural to Rural Stream
(B) Rural to Urban Stream
(C) Urban to Urban Stream
(D) Urban to Rural Stream
7. Percentage of life time migrants to
total population of India
is approximately
(A) 25 percent
(B) 30 percent
(C) 35 percent
(D) 40 percent
8. The maximum proportion of women in
female-headed households is
(A) Divorced
(B) Married
(C) Never-married
(D) Widowed
9. Who among the following Demographers
has presented first the Theory of Demographic Transition in an almost mature
form with explanation for the changes in fertility?
(A) Landry
(B) Warren Thompson
(C) Frank W. Notestein
(D) C.P. Blacker
10. Which was the nodal agency chosen for
conducting National Family Health Survey in India ?
(A) National Institute of Health and
Family Welfare (NIHFW), New Delhi .
(B) International Institute for
Population Sciences (IIPs), Mumbai
(C) National Institute of Nutrition
(NIN), Hyderabad
(D) Tata Institute of Social Sciences
(TISS), Mumbai
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