1. Which of the following is false? An offer to be Valid must

(a) Contain a term the non- compliance of which would amount to acceptance. 
(b) Intend to create legal relations.  
(c) Have certain and unambiguous terms. 
(d) Be communicated to the person to whom it is made. 

2. Over a cup of coffee in a restaurant, X Invites Y to dinner at his house on a Sunday. Y hires a taxi and reaches X’s house at the appointed time , but x fails to perform his promise. Can Y recover any damages from X? 

(a) Yes, as y has suffered 
(b) No, as the intention was not to create legal relation. 
(c) Either (a) or (b) 
(d) None of these. 

3. Which one of the following is the best statement about the Indian Contract Act? 

(a) It is an exhaustive code containing the entire law of contract. 
(b) It is an Act to amend certain parts of the law relating to contracts 
(c) It is an Act to define certain parts of the law relating to contracts and contains only the general principles of contract. 
(d) It is not an exhaustive code containing the entire law of contracts being an Act to define and amend certain parts of law relating to contract. 

4. Which of following is a contract? 

(a) A engages B for a certain work and promises to pay such remuneration as shall be fixed. B does the work. 
(b) A and B promise to marry each Other. 
(c) A takes a Seat in a public vehicle 
(d) A invites B to a card party. B accepts the invitation. 

5. For binding contract both the parties to the contract must: 

(a) Agree with each other.   
(b) Put the offer and counter offers. 
(c) Stipulate their individual offer 
(d) Agree upon the same thing in the same sense.

6. Which one of the following has the correct sequence. 

(a) Offer, acceptance, consideration, offer. 
(b) Offer, acceptance , consideration, contract 
(c) Contract, acceptance, consideration, offer. 
(d) Offer, consideration, acceptance, contract. 

7. Goods displayed in a Shop window with a price label will amount to: 

(a) Offer 
(b) Acceptance of offer 
(c) Invitation to offer 
(d) Counter offer 

8. What can a catalogue of books, listing price of each book and specifying the place where the listed books are available be termed as? 

(a) An offer 
(b) An obligation 
(c) An invitation to offer 
(d) A promise to make available the books at the listed place. 

9. Which one of the following statement about a valid acceptance of an offer is incorrect? 

(a) Acceptance should be absolute and unqualified. 
(b) Acceptance should be in the prescribed manner 
(c) Acceptance should be communicated
(d) Acceptance should be made while the offer is subsisting   

10. A Counter offer is ...............

(a) A rejection of the original offer 
(b) An acceptance of the offer
(c) A bargain 
(d) An invitation to treat 

MCQs on Indian Contract Act 1872