1. The rate of evaporation of oil spilled into the sea depends on

(A) The elemental concentration of sea water
(B) The composition of sea water microflora
(C) Composition of the crude oil
(D) The temperature of the sea

2. The most dangerous and heat resistant spoilage organism in canning industry is

(A) Clostridium cellulolyticum
(B) Bacillus subtilis
(C) E.coli
(D) Clostridium botulinum

3. Oxygen concentrations in compost developed in static piles usually

(A) Ten times lower than in ambient air
(B) Five times lower than in ambient air
(C) Two times more than in ambient air
(D) Five times more than in ambient air

4. Which one of the following is considered as indicator of aquatic pollution?

(A) Rotifers
(B) Copepods
(C) Mysids
(D) Calanoids

5. Poorly nourished lakes are known as

(A) Oligotrophic
(B) Eutrophic
(C) Mesotrophic
(D) Xerotrophic

6. Element contaminating the water body is determined and quantified by using one of the following methods:

(A) Colorimeter
(B) Spectrophotometer
(C) Atomic absorption spectrometer
(D) All the above

7. The metal which is generally absorbed by plants along with Zn and causes “Ouch Ouch” disease in human beings is

(A) Pb
(B) Cd
(C) Hg
(D) Cr

8. Which one of the following is referred to as superoxide radical?

(A) O
(B) O2
(C) O° –2
(D) O3

9. ‘Mesothelioma’ is caused by toxicity of

(A) Mercury
(B) Lead
(C) Arsenic
(D) Carbon monoxide

10. Algal biofertilizer consists of

(A) Blue green algae and earthworm
(B) Algal biomass and Mycorrhiza
(C) Blue green algae and Azolla
(D) Green algae and Rhizobia

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