How To Practice Public Health At UNH | Healthy UNH

1. Which agency defined health as “a complete state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of illness or disease”: 

(b) WHO 
(c) WTO 
(d) ADB

Answer: (b)

2. The number of live births per thousand of population per year means: 

(a) birth rate 
(b) IMR 
(c) death rate 
(d) none of these

Answer: (a)

3. Health paradox refers to : 

(a) high income with high human development 
(b) low income with high human development 
(c) low mortality with high morbidity 
(d) none of these 

Answer: (c)

4. Example of tertiary health care: 

(a) cardiac surgery 
(b) plastic surgery 
(c) cancer management 
(d) all the above 

Answer: (d)

5. NRHM stands for: 

(a) national rural health mission 
(b) national remote health mission 
(c) national and regional health management 
(d) none of these 

Answer: (a)

6. Health is a ....... subject: 

(a) central 
(b) state 
(c) concurrent 
(d) none of these 

Answer: (b)

7. “the state of being free from illness or injury” means: 

(a) happiness 
(b) fitness 
(d) health 

Answer: (d)

8. Which refers to the work of health care professionals who act as a first point of consultation for all patients within the health care system: 

(a) primary care 
(b) secondary care 
(c) urgent care 
(d) none of these 

Answer: (a)

9. Which is the health care services provided by medical specialists and other health professionals who generally do not have first contact with patients: 

(a) primary care 
(b) secondary care 
(c) urgent care 
(d) none of these 

Answer: (b)

10. which is a specialized consultative health care: 

(a) primary care 
(b) secondary care 
(c) urgent care 
(d) tertiary care 

Answer: (d)