91. Which of the following are the contents of Mugdha Rasa?
(a) Kajjalī and Khaṭikā
(b) Pārada and Khaṭikā
(c) Gandhaka and Khaṭikā
(d) Kajjalī and Abhraka
Answer: (b)
92. In the opinion of Kāśyapa, ‘Kaṭutaila’ is used for:
(a) Netra roga.
(b) Kṛmi roga.
(c) Hṛda roga.
(d) Plīhodara.
Answer: (d)
93. Which one of the following is considered as best ṛtu for ‘Samśodhana Karma’?
(a) Prāvṛṭ, Śarada, Vasanta
(b) Prāvṛṭ , Grīṣma, Vasanta
(c) Prāvṛṭ, Varṣa, Śarada
(d) Grīṣma, Varṣa, Śarada
Answer: (a)
94. Which one of the following drugs is used for bhāvana in Kumāra Kalyāṇa Rasa?
(a) Vāsā
(b) Amritā
(c) Dūrvā
(d) Ghṛta Kumārī
Answer: (d)
95. Lodhrāsava was described by Caraka in the management of which one of the following diseases?
(a) Svetapradara
(b) Raktapitta
(c) Prameha
(d) Raktapradara
Answer: (c)
96. Which one of the following types of Atisāra is NOT described by Suśruta?
(a) Śokaja
(b) Āmaja
(c) Bhayaja
(d) Sannipātaja
Answer: (c)
97. What is the approximate weight of Pancreas in adult human being?
(a) 50g
(b) 90g
(c) 150g
(d) 180g
Answer: (b)
98. Which one of the following is the length of pipe to be used in Pradhmāpana Nasya as described by Caraka?
(a) Four aṅgula
(b) Five aṅgula
(c) Six aṅgula
(d) Eight aṅgula
Answer: (c)
99. Copacīnyādi Cūrṇa is used in which one of the following diseases?
(a) Pāṇḍu
(b) Yoni Kanda
(c) Upadanśa
(d) Somaroga
Answer: (c)
100. In which one of the following chapters, Carak Samhita has described Āma-Nirāma Mala Parīkṣā?
(a) Grahṇīdoṣa cikitsā
(b) Udar roga cikitsā
(c) Atisāra cikitsā
(d) Annapānavidhi adhyāya
Answer: (a)
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