1. Panchromatic film is sensitive to

A. all light 
B. all light bar red 
C. all light bar green 
D. none of these

Answer: (A)

2. Parallax error is due to
A. your flash mis-timing 
B. viewing and taking lenses being separate
C. flaws in ultra wide angle lenses 
D. none of these

Answer: (B)

3. What is the angle of view on a fisheye lens?
A. 180 degrees 
B. 225 degrees 
C. 270 degrees 
D. 290 degrees

Answer: (A)

4. Focus finders are found in
A. studios 
B. darkrooms 
C. cameras 
D. none of these

Answer: (B)

5. The term "photography" was first used by……………., in 1839, the year the photographic process became public.
A.Sir John Herscel 
B.Tim Donald 
C.Fox Talbot 
D. Thomas Alwa Edison

Answer: (A)

6. What temperature should colour film be developed at?
A. 95 degrees Celsius 
B. 100 degrees celsius
C. 105 degrees Celsius 
D. None of these

Answer: (B)

7. Cross platform file format
B. doc 
D. PM4

Answer: (A)

8. A Camera Lucida is
A. an artists aid 
B. an early box camera
C. a type of rangefinder camera 
D. None of these

Answer: (A)

9. What type of development process does Kodachrome need?
A. Additive 
B. Subtractive
C. Dye replacement 
D. None of these

Answer: (B)

10. Image Editing Software
A. MS Excel 
B. Flash
C. Power Point 
D. Pagemaker

Answer: (B)