1. Widal test helps in diagnosis of:

(a) Tuberculosis.

(b) Typhoid.

(c) Kalazar.

(d) Dengue.

Answer: (b)

2. Glasgow Scale is used to assess the gravity of:

(a) Respiratory failure.

(b) Coma.

(c) Dehydration.

(d) Acute renal failure.

Answer: (b)

3. The chemical formula of which one of the following is 

(a) Hartāla

(b) Manaḥśilā

(c) Abhraka

(d) Sankhiyā

Answer: (b)

4. How many types of ‘Linganāśa’ are there?

(a) 6

(b) 8

(c) 3

(d) 4

Answer: (a)

5. Lekhana Karma is indicated in which one of the following diseases?

(a) Anjananāmikā

(b) Kṛmigranthi

(c) Pothakī

(d) Kukuṇaka

Answer: (c)

6. Which one of the following is the appropriate surgical procedure in Arma Cikitsā?

(a) Chedana

(b) Bhedana

(c) Visrāvaṇa

(d) Vedhana

Answer: (a)

7. Which one of the following is the seat or site of Timira?

(a) Maṇḍala

(b) Paṭala

(c) Sandhi

(d) Vartma

Answer: (b)

8. ‘Suvṛttam gostanākāram’ is shape of:

(a) Eye.

(b) Kaphaja Arśa.

(c) Gilāyu.

(d) Gall bladder.

Answer: (a)

9. ‘Pṛthurgrathitaḥ samo viṣamo’ is the sign of:

(a) Arbuda.

(b) Granthi.

(c) Apacī.

(d) Vraṇa Śotha.

Answer: (d)

10. Which one of the following is the appropriate instrument for extraction of Kapha vitiated blood?

(a) Jaloukā

(b) Śṛinga

(c) Alābu

(d) Sira Vyadhana

Answer: (c)