1. The Galapagos Islands are associated with the visit of
(a) Jean Lamarck
(b) Charles Darwin
(c) Gregor Mendel
(d) Alfred Wallace

 2. Which of the following was most influential upon Darwin‟s formulation of theory of natural selection?
(a) De Vries concept of mutation
(b) Wallace‟s paper on survival
(c) Malthus‟s essay on population
(d) Lamarck‟s on inheritance of acquired characters

3. "Survival of the fittest" was used by
(a) Charles Darwin
(b) Jean Baptiste Lamarck
(c) Hugo deVries
(d) Herbert Spencer

 4. After observing the variations HUGO DE VRIES first of all described the mutation in (a) Oenothera lamarl.4ana
(b) Neurospora crassa
(c) Pisum sativum
(d) Drosophila melanogaster

5. According to scientists, the Big Bang occurred approximately ? years ago.
 (a) 100 million
(b) 100 thousand
(c) 1 billion
(d) 15 billion

6. PASTEUR succeeded in disproving the spontaneous generation theory because
(a) he was lucky
(b) he was ingenious in drawing out the neck of glass flasks, so as to provide access to air but not to microorganisms
(c) of the fact that sample of yeast taken by him was dead
(d) of the clear surrounding of his laboratory

7. The first organisms were
(a) primitive eukaryotes
(b) aerobic bacteria
(c) prokaryotic
(d) photosynthetic

8. Why was the primitive atmosphere of Earth more beneficial to the origin of life than the modern atmosphere of Earth?
(a) The primitive atmosphere had a layer of ozone that shielded the first delicate cells
(b) The primitive atmosphere was reducing one that facilitated the formation of complex substances from simple molecules
(c) The primitive atmosphere was an oxidising one that facilitated the formation of complex substances from simple molecules
(d) The primitive atmosphere has less free energy than the modern atmosphere, and thus newly formed organisms were less likely to be destroyed

9. Russian scientist who proposed the theory of origin of life was
(a) Oparin
(b) Miller
(c) Haldane
(d) Fox

10. In their laboratory simulation of early Earth, Miller and Urey observed the abiotic synthesis
(a) amino acids
(b) coacervates
(c) DNA
(d) liposmes

11. The richest source of fossils is
(a) basalt
(b) granite
(c) lava
(d) sedimentary rock

12. Biologists who study the sequences of organisms in the fossil record are
(a) taxonomists
(b) palaeobiologists
(c) misologists
(d) systematists

13. Which were dominant in Mesozoic?
(a) Dinosaurs
(b) Gymnosperms
(c) Fishes
(d) Mammals

14. The “Golden age of Reptiles” was
(a) Late Paleozoic
(b) Cenozoic
(c) Mesozoic
(d) Proterozoic

15. The fossil remains of Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between
(a) amphibians
(b) reptiles and birds
(c) fish and amphibians
(d) reptiles and mammals

16. Which of the following set is the evidence of evolution?
(a) Homologous and vestigial organs
(b) Analogous and vestigial organs
(c) Homologous and analogous organs
(d) All of the above

17. Of the following anatomical structures, which is homologous to the wing of a bat?
(a) The arm of a human
(b) The wing of a butterfly
(c) The tail of a fish
(d) The dorsal fin of a shark

18. Which one of the following sets of structures includes only analogous organs?
(a) Wings of butterfly, housefly and bat
(b) Hind legs of horse
(c) Hands of man, monkey and kangaroo
(d) Mandibles of cockroach, mosquito and honeybee

19. Which of the following set represents all vestigial structures in the human body?
(a) Vermiform appendix, body hair and cochlea
(b) Wisdom teeth, coccyx and patella
(c) Coccyx, vermiform appendix and muscles of ear pinna
(d) Body hair, muscles of ear pinna and atlas vertebra

20. The earliest animal to have been domesticated by man most likely the
(a) horse
(b) pig
(c) dog
(d) cow