1. Which one amongst the following is not a indicator of social development?

(A) Primary school enrolment rate
(B) Literacy rate
(C) Child malnutrition
(D) Net Reproduction Rate

2. Censoring refers to the fact that:

(A) Women often forget the exact dates of birth of their children.
(B) At the time of data correction, some women have not completed child bearing.
(C) Not all women in the population are interviewed.
(D) Data for the countries are suppressed by the government.

3. Which one among the following is not a Millennium Development Goal?

(A) Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty.
(B) Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women.
(C) Improve Health of the Aged Persons.
(D) Ensure Environmental Sustainability.

4. Which among the following is not a characteristic of slums?

(A) Environmental health hazards
(B) Generation of deviant behaviour
(C) Conducive environment for educating children
(D) Breeding ground for political radicalism and violence

5. Which of the following has the highest water use?

(A) Industries
(B) Crop Irrigation
(C) Households
(D) Recreation

6. Civil Registration Statistics generally collects data on

I. Births
II. Deaths
III. Cause of death
IV. Marriages

In India, Sample Registration System collects the following types of data. Choose the correct code:


(D) I II

7. Which one of the following proposed Epidemiological Transition?

(A) Caldwell
(B) Omran
(C) McKeown
(D) Notestein

8. Which is the source of data on health expenditure in the country?

(A) NFHS (National Family and Health Survey)
(B) AHS (Annual Health Survey)
(C) NSS (National Sample Survey)
(D) Census

 9. Which one of the following is correct in explaining an ecological unit?

(A) Audience in a Movie Theatre
(B) A Range of Valleys and Mountains
(C) A City with its satellite towns
(D) All the above

10. Think of different columns of life tables like lx, nqx, nLx and Tx. l15 (expectation of life at age 15) is computed as

(A) L15 / l15
(B) T15 / l15
(C) T15 / L15
(D) None of the above

More MCQs on Population Studies