1. “Criteria of Good Research” is written by

(a) Delta Kappan
(b) James Harold Fox
(c) P.V.Young
(d) Karl Popper

2. Research method is a part of …………..

(a) Problem
(b) Experiment
(c) Research Techniques
(d) Research methodology

3. Identifying causes of a problem and possible solution to a problem is

(a) Field Study
(b) diagnosis tic study
(c) Action study
(d) Pilot study

4. ………… helps in social planning

(a) Social Science Research
(b) Experience Survey
(c) Problem formulation
(d) diagnostic study

5. “Foundations of Behavioral Research” is written by

(a) P.V. Young
(b) Kerlinger
(c) Emory
(d) Clover Vernon

6. Methods and issues in Social Research” is written by

(a) Black James and Champions
(b) P.V. Young
(c) Mortan Kaplan
(d) William Emory

7. “Scientific Social Survey and Research” is written by

(a) Best John
(b) Emory
(c) Clover
(d) P.V. Young

8. “Doubt is often better than ……………….”

(a) Belief
(b) Value
(c) Confidence
(d) Overconfidence

9. Research help in explaining the ………… with which something operates.

(a) Velocity
(b) Momentum
(c) Frequency
(d) gravity

10. …………… is a motivation for research in students

(a) Research degree
(b) Research Academy
(c) Research Labs
(d) Research Problems

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