1. “A Proposition which can be put to test to determine its validity” Defined by

(a) Lund berg
(b) Emory
(c) Johnson
(d) Good and Hatt

2. “ A tentative generalization” stated by

(a) Good and Hatt
(b) Lund berg
(c) Emory
(d) Orwell

3. Propositions which describe the characteristics are …………. Hypothesis

(a) Descriptive
(b) Imaginative
(c) Relational
(d) Variable

4. A Hypothesis which develops while planning the research is

(a) Null Hypothesis
(b) Working Hypothesis
(c) Relational Hypothesis
(d) Descriptive Hypothesis

5. When a hypothesis is stated negatively it is called

(a) Relational Hypothesis
(b) Situational Hypothesis
(c) Null Hypothesis
(d) Casual Hypothesis

6. The first variable is …………….. variable

(a) Abstract
(b) Dependent
(c) Independent
(d) Separate

7. The second variable is called …………

(a) Independent
(b) Dependent
(c) Separate
(d) Abstract

8. Hypothesis which explain relationship between two variables is

(a) Causal
(b) Relational
(c) Descriptive
(d) Tentative

9. Null means

(a) One
(b) Many
(c) Zero
(d) None of these

10. …………………. Represent common sense ideas

(a) Statistical Hypothesis
(b) Complex Hypothesis
(c) Common sense Hypothesis
(d) Analytical Hypothesis

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