41. How fragmentation and drifting of Gondwanaland left the imprints on the earth surface?
(a) Formation of rift valleys of East Africa and the connected Red Sea rift, also in the outpouring of the enormous lava flows in India
(b) There were no changes in the Fauna and Flora
(c) The great reptiles amongst the land animals and the ammonites amongst the marine one appeared
(d) There was no outburst of orogenic movements
Answer: (a)
42. Large-scale volcanic activity which gives rise to the huge Deccan Trap rocks in India is attributed to:
(a) Continent – continent collision between Indian and Eurasian plate
(b) Subduction of continent plate into mantle
(c) Rifting along Narmada and Godavari basin
(d) Movement and migration of Indian plate over hot spot in mantle region
Answer: (d)
43. The corresponding time unit for:
‘Erathem →System →Series →Stage' is:
(a) Era → Period → Epoch→ Age
(b) Era → Age→Period → Epoch
(c) Period → Epoch→ Age →Era
(d) Era →Epoch → Period→ Age
Answer: (a)
44. Which part of the Gondwana rocks are considered as storehouse of coal for India?
(a) The upper Gondwana Rajmahal series
(b) Panchet series of upper Gondwana
(c) The lower Gondwanas
(d) Gondwana rocks in Auranga and Hutar coal fields
Answer: (c)
45. Bathyal zone corresponds to the continental slope of the Ocean bottoms. This zone is characterized by:
(a) High and low tide
(b) Complete darkness
(c) Plentiful supply of oxygen and sunrays
(d) Complete absence of current activity and weak sunlight
Answer: (d)
46. The maximum coal deposit of India is in Gondwana group of rocks. The formations which are rich in coal measures are:
(a) Talchir and Lathi formation
(b) Panchet and Parihar formation
(c) Barakar and Raniganj formation
(d) Umia and Kalral formation
Answer: (c)
47. Which of the following are the distinct body parts of a trilobite?
(a) Head, Thorax and Telson
(b) Head, Thorax and Pygidium
(c) Head, Telson and Pygidium
(d) Telson, Thorax and Pygidium
Answer: (b)
48. The anticlockwise coiling pattern in Foraminifera leads to:
(a) Dextral form
(b) Sinistral form
(c) Suture form
(d) Costate form
Answer: (b)
49. The Periproct of Echinoderms is encircled by a ring of plates known as oculars and genitals, of which:
(a) Both the ocular and genital are hexagonal shape
(b) Both the ocular and genital are triangular shape
(c) The ocular are hexagonal and genital are triangular or pentangular shape
(d) The ocular are triangular or pentangular and genital are hexagonal shape
Answer: (d)
50. When mouth and anus are centrally placed at the opposite poles of the test (i.e. oral-aboral pole), then the forms in Echinoids are known as:
(a) Irregular Echinoids
(b) Peristome Echinoids
(c) Regular Echinoids
(d) Periproct Echinoids
Answer: (c)
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