51. Which one of the following pairs of ‘upakramas’ is NOT correctly matched?

(a) Langhana - Brumhaṇa

(b) Rukṣaṇa - Snehana

(c) Swedana - Stambhana

(d) Snehana - Swedana

Answer: (d)

52. Which one of the following is NOT included in Aṣṭavidha Śastra Karma?

(a) Lekhana

(b) Eṣaṇa

(c) Āharaṇa

(d) Nirdhamāpana

Answer: (d)

53. ‘Āyataśca Viśalaśca Suvibhakto Nirāśrayaḥ’is a sign of which one of the following?

(a) Praśasta Vraṇa

(b) Nāḍi Vraṇa

(c) Best surgeon

(d) Operation theatre

Answer: (a)

54. Which one of the following is appropriate Śastra for excision and scraping?

(a) Karpatra Śastra

(b) Vṛddhipatra Śastra

(c) Kuśapatra Śastra

(d) Utpalapatra Śastra

Answer: (a)

55. Which one of the following is appropriate bandha on Sandhi?

(a) Tight bandage

(b) Loose bandage

(c) Neither tight nor loose bandage

(d) Very tight bandage

Answer: (b)

56. Which one of the following is NOT a property of Kṣāra?

(a) Aviṣyandī

(b) Śukla

(c) Śiva

(d) Sarpitā

Answer: (d)

57. Which one of the following symptoms is NOT included in ‘Jāngama Viṣa Prabhāva’?

(a) Tandra

(b) Jvara

(c) Dāha

(d) Śotha

Answer: (b)

58. According to Suśruta, what is the number of Kaphaj eye disorders?

(a) 13

(b) 28

(c) 67

(d) 76

Answer: (a)

59. Which eye disorder is Yāpya?

(a) Pothakī

(b) Lagaṇa

(c) Kāca

(d) Nimiṣa

Answer: (c)

60. ‘Tāmrā Tanvī Dāhaśūlopapannā’ is sign of:

(a) Parvaṇī.

(b) Kṛmigranthi.

(c) Alajī.

(d) Kumbhikā.

Answer: (a)