1. Cetana dravya are:
(a) Ātmā yukta.
(b) Puruṣa yukta.
(c) Indṛya yukta.
(d) Mana yukta.
Answer: (c)
2. According to Caraka, what is the object of Ayurveda?
(a) Cikitsā Kriyā
(b) Puruṣa Vivecana Kriyā
(c) Dhātu Sāmya Kriyā
(d) Protection of Health of a healthy person.
Answer: (c)
3. Which one among the following is the best Sukh Virecaka substance?
(a) Triphalā
(b) Āragvadha
(c) Trivṛta
(d) Harītakī
Answer: (c)
4. ‘Śarkarvān madhura puṣpa śāka’ is mentioned for which one of the following dravya?
(a) Jīvantī
(b) Laśuna
(c) Vṛddha dāruka
(d) Śatāvarī
Answer: (a)
5. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:
List I List II
(Drug) (Effect)
A. Viḍanga 1. Medhya rasāyana
B. Dantī 2. Jvarahara
C. Manḍūkaparṇī 3. Kṛmighna
D. Sahadevī 4. Virecana
(a) A/3 B/4 C/1 D/2
(b) A/2 B/1 C/4 D/3
(c) A/3 B/1 C/4 D/2
(d) A/2 B/4 C/1 D/3
Answer: (a)
6. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:
List I List II
(Drug) (Agrya Karma)
A. Gokṣuraka 1. Jīvanīyānām
B. Khadira 2. Kuṣṭhaghnānām
C. Eranḍamūlam 3. Mūtrakṛcchrānilaharanam
D. Kṣīram 4. VṛṣyaVātaharaṇam
(a) A/3 B/4 C/2 D/1
(b) A/3 B/2 C/4 D/1
(c) A/1 B/2 C/4 D/3
(d) A/1 B/4 C/2 D/3
Answer: (b)
7. Which of the following are the Rasa and Vīrya of Guḍūcī?
(a) Tikta and Śīta
(b) Tikta and Uṣṇa
(c) Madhura and Śīta
(d) Kaṭu and Śīta
Answer: (b)
8. Elevation of Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP) occurs commonly in:
(a) right heart failure.
(b) rheumatic heart disease.
(c) left heart failure.
(d) ischemic heart disease.
Answer: (a)
9. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:
List I List II
(Specific Property) (Mahābhūta)
A. Śabda 1. Vāyu
B. Sparśa 2. Ākāśa
C. Rūpa 3. Agni
D. Rasa 4. Jala
(a) A/2 B/3 C/1 D/4
(b) A/2 B/1 C/3 D/4
(c) A/4 B/1 C/3 D/2
(d) A/4 B/3 C/1 D/2
Answer: (b)
10. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:
List I List II
(Season) (Use of Harītakī with)
A. Grīṣma 1. Śunṭhī
B. Vasanta 2. Pippalī
C. Śiśira 3. Madhu
D. Hemanta 4. Guḍa
(a) A/1 B/3 C/2 D/4
(b) A/4 B/2 C/3 D/1
(c) A/4 B/3 C/2 D/1
(d) A/1 B/2 C/3 D/4
Answer: (c)
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