1. Which one of the following drugs is a content of Ahiphen Vati?
(a) Dhaturā
(b) Vatsanābha
(c) Kanera
(d) Kharjūra
Answer: (d)
2. In which one of the following Sthāna, Sthaulya is described in Caraka Samhita?
(a) Chikitsā sthāna
(b) Sutra sthāna
(c) Nidāna sthāna
(d) Vimana sthāna
Answer: (b)
3. In general, for Āsavāriṣta preparation, how much Guḍa should be taken for one Droṇa Jala?
(a) 1 tulā
(b) 3 tulā
(c) 5 tulā
(d) 10 tulā
Answer: (a)
4. For which one of the following diseases Śārṅgdhara has advised Dāḍima Puṭapāka?
(a) Jvara
(b) Atisāra
(c) Udaraśūla
(d) Amlapitta
Answer: (b)
5. Avalguja is the synonym of:
(a) Bākucī.
(b) Udumbara.
(c) Palāśa.
(d) Khadira.
Answer: (a)
6. According to Caraka, what is the main factor of all Dukhas?
(a) Upadhā
(b) Prajñāparādha
(c) Pariṇāma
(d) Karma
Answer: (a)
7. In which season (Ṛtu) should we take Ghṛta?
(a) Śarada
(b) Prāvṛṭ
(c) Grīṣma
(d) Vasanta
Answer: (a)
8. When the condition of a patient of Tamaka Śvāsa is complicated with Jvara and Mūrchā, such a condition is called:
(a) Santamaka Śvāsa.
(b) Pratamaka Śvāsa.
(c) Mahā Śvāsa.
(d) Ūrdhva Śvāsa.
Answer: (b)
9. ‘Bibheti Durbaloabhīkṣaṇam, Dhyāyati Vyathitendriyaḥ’ are the symptoms of which one of the following types of kṣaya?
(a) Kṣataja kṣaya
(b) Rasa kṣaya
(c) Raktaja kṣaya
(d) Ojas kṣaya
Answer: (d)
10. Which one of the following is considered as Kālantara vipāki?
(a) Sthāvara viṣa
(b) Dūṣī viṣa
(c) Gara viṣa
(d) Upa viṣa
Answer: (c)
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