1. Select correct chronological sequence of the sculptors.
(A) Ajit Chakravarty, M. Dharmani, Raghav Kaneria, J.J. Narzhari
(B) Raghav Kaneria, J.J. Narzhari, Ajit Chakravarty, M. Dharmani
(C) J.J. Narzhari, Ajit Chakravarty, Raghav Kaneria, M. Dharmani
(D) M. Dharmani, Raghav Kaneria, J.J. Narzhari, Ajit Chakravarty
Answer: (A)
2. Select correct sequence of metal casting of hollow cast wax image.
(A) Making of mould, Fix Runner, Firing of Mould, Fill Core
(B) Fix Runner, Firing of Mould, Making of Mould, Fill Core
(C) Making of Mould, Firing of Mould, Fix Runner, Fill Core
(D) Fix Runner, Making of Mould, Fill Core, Firing of Mould
Answer: (A)
3. Select the correct sequence of typographers:
(A) John Baskerville, Giambatista Bodoni, William Caslon, Edward Benguiat
(B) William Caslon, John Baskerville, Giambatista Bodoni, Edward Benguiat
(C) William Caslon, Giambatista Bodoni, Edward Benguiat, John Baskerville
(D) Giambatista Bodoni, William Caslon, John Baskerville, Edward Benguiat
Answer: (B)
4. The correct sequence in order of publication:
(A) Time, Life, Playboy, Esquire
(B) Life, Playboy, Time, Esquire
(C) Life, Playboy, Esquire, Time
(D) Playboy, Esquire, Time, Life
Answer: (A)
5. Select correct sequence of advertising strategy.
(A) Feedback, Market research, Media selection, Creative planning
(B) Media selection, Market research, Creative planning, Feedback
(C) Creative planning, Market research, Media selection, Feedback
(D) Market research, Media selection, Creative planning, Feedback
Answer: (D)
6. Assertion (A): In Indus Valley art appliqué method was used vaguely to prepare terracotta images.
Reason (R): Because by the time moulds were not invented.
(A) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(B) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.
(C) (A) and (R) both are incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.
Answer: (B)
7. Assertion (A): During the Pal period terracotta art in Eastern India reached to culmination.
Reason (R): Because malleable quality of clay provided greater freedom of plastic rendering and paucity of stone furthered use of clay.
(A) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(B) (A) is correct but (R) is partly correct.
(C) (A) and (R) both are incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.
Answer: (B)
8. Assertion (A): Imagination is an essential element of creation of art.
Reason (R): Imagination is faculty of mind which transforms ideas and feelings into visual images.
(A) (A) is correct and (R) is partly correct.
(B) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.
(C) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are correct.
Answer: (D)
9. Assertion (A): Manjeet Bawa’s figuration seems to be both an assertion of tradition as well as its negation.
Reason (R): Because he had a village background and ethnic preoccupation.
(A) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.
(B) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.
(C) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are incorrect.
Answer: (B)
10. Assertion (A): Guernica is an agonistic expression of Pablo Picasso resulting from Spanish Civil War.
Reason (R): Because he lost his many dear friends in this war.
(A) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(B) (A) and (R) both are incorrect.
(C) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.
Answer: (C)
MCQs on Visual Arts -36
MCQs on Visual Arts
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