1. First hand personal study of local settings is referred to as

(A) Ethnology
(B) Ethno-science
(C) Ethnography
(D) Ethno-history

Answer: (C)

2. Unilineal Kin group is characterized by

(A) Their size
(B) Their corporate character
(C) Their utility in emergency situation
(D) Their amorphous character


3. Who among the following is a consanguineal kin?

(A) Father’s young brother
(B) Wife’s sister
C) Wife’s brother
(D) Sister’s husband

Answer: (A)

4. Who among the following advocated a ‘four-fold approach’ that divided anthropology into cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology and linguistics?

(A) Bronislaw Malinowski
(B) Franz Boas
(C) A.R. Radcliffe Brown
(D) Marcel Mauss

Answer: (B)

5. Who among the following has made the statement?

“Anthropology is the science of human similarities and differences.”

(A) A.L. Krocbar
(B) A.R. Radcliffe Brown
(C) M.J. Herskowits
(D) Clyde Kluckhohn

Answer: (D)

6. What are the main tool types that characterise Upper Palaeolithic in Europe?

(A) Backed blades
(B) Chopper / Chopping
(C) Microliths
(D) Side scraper

Answer: (A)

7. Which one of the following research methods, is best suited to study the processual aspect of political organization?

(A) Key Informant Interview
(B) Extended Case Study Method
(C) Participant Observation
(D) Focus Group Discussion

Answer: (B)

8. The inheritance rule that makes the eldest child (usually the eldest son) the only heir.

(A) Primogeniture
(B) Ultimogeniture
(C) Equigeniture
(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

9. Which one of the following best describes the custom by which a widower marries the sisters of the deseased wife?

(A) Sororate
(B) Levirate
(C) Polygyny
(D) Plural marriage

Answer: (A)

10. Levalloisean technique appears for the first time in which of the following cultural traditions?

(A) Azillo-Tardenoisean
(B) Aurignacian
(C) Maglamosean
(D) Acheulian

Answer: (D)