1. In the preparation of NiruhaBasti, …… quantity of Sneha is added,in the
A) 1/4th of Kashay
B) 1/6th of Kashay
C) 1/8th of Kashy
D) 1/3rd of Kashay
Answer: (A)
2. In the preparation of NiruhaBasti, …… quantity of Sneha is added,in the
A) 1/4th of Kashay
B) 1/6th of Kashay
C) 1/8th of Kashy
D) 1/3rd of Kashay
Answer: (B)
3. In the preparation of NiruhaBasti, …… quantity of Sneha is added,in the
A) 1/4th of Kashay
B) 1/6th of Kashay
C) 1/8th of Kashy
D) 1/3rd of Kashay
Answer: (C)
4. Proportion of Kashay in NiruhaBasti is always ……. of the total quantity.
A) 5 parts
B) 3 parts
C) 4 parts
D) 2 parts
Answer: (A)
5. Pratyagaman Kala for NiruhaBasti is ……. Muhurta.
A) 2
B) 1
C) 3
D) 4
Answer: (B)
6 If NiruhaBasti is administered after having the food, ……. Symptoms can be
A) Visuchika, Chhardi
B) Jwara, Atisar
C) Pratishyay, Kasa
D) Shwas, Pratishyay
Answer: (A)
7. While administrating NiruhaBasti; if more pressure is applied on Basti-Putak,
…….Vyapad can be seen.
A) Ayog
B) Atiyog
C) Urdhvaprapti
D) Atisar
Answer: (C)
8 VaitaranBasti is described by ………
A) Charak
B) Sushrut
C) Vagbhat
D) Chakradatta
Answer: (D)
9. Vidanga is an example of ……… Nasya.
A) Phala
B) Mula
C) Pushpa
D) Patra
Answer: (A)
10. Hingu is an example of …….. Nasya.
A) Niryas
B) Patra
C) Phala
D) Pushpa
Answer: (A)
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