1. The following is a list of types of historical research in Cultural Anthropology. Arrange them 

     in terms of scale and dimension:

I. Controlled comparison

II. Ethno-history

III. Between-culture comparison on a limited scale

IV. Cross-historical research


(A) IV, I, II, III

(B) II, IV, I, III

(C) II, IV, III, I

(D) II, III, I, IV

Answer: (D)

2. Identify the correct sequence of deciduous dention in man:

(A) 2 Incisors, 0 Canines, 1 Premolar, 2 Molars.

(B) 1 Incisor, 1 Canine, 2 Premolars, 1 Molar.

(C) 2 Incisors, 1 Canine, 1 Premolar, 1 Molar.

(D) 2 Incisors, 1 Canine, 0 Premolar, 2 Molars.

Answer: (D)

3. Identify the correct sequence of the following primates in ascending order of their cranial  


(A) Gibbon → Chimpanzee → Gorilla → Human.

(B) Gorilla → Chimpanzee → Gibbon → Human.

(C) Gibbon → Chimpanzee → Human → Gorilla.

(D) Chimpanzee → Gorilla → Gibbon → Human.

Answer: (A)

4. Arrange the following land mark publications of anthropological importance in the order of 

    their year of publication:

(i) Linguistic Survey of India – Grierson, G.A.

(ii) The People of India – Risley, H.H.

(iii) The Racial Affinities of the People of India-Guha, B.S.

(iv) The Aboriginal Races of India- Sarkar, S.S.


(A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

(B) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)

(C) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)

(D) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)

Answer: (C)

5. Arrange the following human identification methods and techniques in the chronological 


(A) Bertillon method – Finger prints – Haemogenetic methods – DNA finger printing.

(B) DNA finger printing – Haemogenetic methods – Finger prints – Bertillon method.

(C) Haemogenetic methods – Finger prints – Bertillon method – DNA finger printing.

(D) Finger prints – Bertillon method – Haemogenetic methods – DNA finger printing.

Answer: (D)

6. Arrange the following fossil finds in the order of their discoveries:

(A) Neanderthal man – Australopithecus – Java man – Homohabilis.

(B) Homohabilis – Australopithecus – Java man – Neanderthal man

(C) Neanderthal man – Java man – Australopithecus – Homohabilis.

(D) Java man – Neanderthal man – Australopithecus – Homohabilis.

Answer: (C)

7. Identify the correct sequence of Somatotypic techniques in order of their proponents.

(A) Kretchmer – Sheldon – Parnoll – Heath-Carter.

(B) Sheldon – Kretchmer – Parnoll – Heath-Carter.

(C) Heath-Carter – Kretchmer – Parnoll – Sheldon.

(D) Sheldon – Parnoll – Heath- Carter – Kretchmer.

Answer: (A)

8. Arrange the tool-types in progressive technological scheme.

(A) Abbevillian – Acheulean – Backed blade – Levalloise point.

(B) Abbevillian – Acheulean – Levalloise point – Backed blade.

(C) Acheulean – Abbevillian – Levalloise point – Backed blade.

(D) Acheulean – Levalloise point – Backed blade – Abbevillian.

Answer: (B)

9. The tasks of an archaeologist in sequential order are:

(A) Exploration – Excavation – Conservation – Preservation.

(B) Exploration – Conservation – Excavation – Preservation.

(C) Excavation – Preservation – Conservation – Exploration.

(D) Excavation – Conservation – Preservation – Exploration.

Answer: (A)

10. Arrange the Indian Cultural phases in ascending chronological order:

(A) Neolithic – Chalcolithic – Megalithic – NBP culture.

(B) Megalithic – Chalcolithic – Neolithic – NBP culture.

(C) Chalcolithic – Neolithic – NBP culture – Megalithic.

(D) NBP culture – Neolithic – Chalcolithic – Megalithic.

Answer: (A)