1. The term Emic refers to:
(A) Ethnocentric perspective
(B) Outsider’s perspective
(C) Value-neutral perspective
(D) Insider’s perspective
Answer: (D)
2. The cognitive aspect of religion is represented by:
(A) Prayer
(B) Offering
(C) Myth
(D) Worship
Answer: (C)
3. A pattern of residence whereby a married couple lives separately from the kin of both
spouses is called:
(A) Patrilocal
(B) Matrilocal
(C) Neolocal
(D) Avunculocal
Answer: (C)
4. Who among the following, is associated with unilinear evolution?
(A) Edward B. Tylor
(B) Raymond Firth
(C) Ralph Linton
(D) Franz Boas
Answer: (A)
5. The first human to stand erect was the:
(A) Neanderthal man
(B) CroMagnon man
(C) Java man
(D) Homo habilis
Answer: (C)
6. Which one of the following is a prosimian?
(A) Loris
(B) Lemur
(C) Tarsier
(D) All of these
Answer: (D)
7. Who did the most to defend Darwin and his ideas?
(A) Wallace
(B) Darwin
(C) Thomas Huxley
(D) Samuel Wilberforce
Answer: (C)
8. Mendel’s work was rediscovered independently by:
(A) Hugo De Vries, Morgan and Muller
(B) Lari Correns, Erich Von Tschermak and Bateson
(C) Carl Correns, Bateson and Punnet
(D) Hugo De Vries, Carl Correns & Erich Von Tschermak
Answer: (D)
9. Thellasostatic Terraces are formed:
(A) At the meanders of the rivers
(B) Inside the caves
(C) At the end of the glacier
(D) At the mouth of the river
Answer: (D)
10. The one dating method among the following is NOT an isotopic dating method:
(A) Dendrochronology
(B) Carbon – 14
(C) Thermoluminescence
(D) Potassium-Argon
Answer: (A)
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