1. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Universalization and Parochialization i. M.N. Srinivas
b. Little and Great Tradition ii. L.P. Vidyarthi
c. Sacred Complex iii. Robert Redfield
d. Dominant Caste iv. McKim Marriott
a b c d
(A) ii i iv iii
(B) iii iv i ii
(C) iv iii ii i
(D) i ii iii iv
Answer: (C)
2. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A) Cross-cousin Children of opposite sex siblings
(B) Parallel cousin Children of classificatory cousins
(C) Affinal relative Individuals related through marriage
(D) Consanguineal relative Individuals related through biological connection
Answer: (B)
3. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Non-invasive prenatal testing i. Amniocentesis
b. Invasive prenatal testing ii. Diabetes
c. Gene therapy iii. Matenal serum screening
d. Recombinant DNA technology iv. Adenosine deaminase deficiency
a b c d
(A) iii i iv ii
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) ii i iii iv
(D) i iv iii ii
Answer: (A)
4. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Turner’s Syndrome i. 18 Trisomy
b. Klinefelter’s Syndrome ii. 44, XO
c. Edward’s Syndrome iii. 44, XXY
d. Down’s Syndrome iv. 21 Trisomy
a b c d
(A) ii iv i iii
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) i iii ii iv
(D) iii i ii iv
Answer: (B)
5. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Insulin i. Hemophilia
b. Erythropoetin ii. Short Stature
c. Factor VIII iii. Diabetes
d. Growth Hormone iv. Anaemia
a b c d
(A) iii iv i ii
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iv iii ii i
(D) ii iv iii i
Answer: (A)
6. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Stature i. Infantometer
b. Supine length ii. Skinfold callipers
c. Ear length iii. Stadiometer
d. Biceps iv. Sliding Callipers
a b c d
(A) iv ii i iii
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iii i iv ii
(D) i iii ii iv
Answer: (C)
7. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Albinism i. Tyrosinase
b. Galactosemia ii. Homogentisic acid oxidase
c. Phenylketonuria iii. Galactose-1-phosphodyl transferase
d. Alkaptonuria iv. Phenyl alanine hydroxylase
a b c d
(A) i iii iv ii
(B) iii ii i iv
(C) iv iii ii i
(D) i ii iii iv
Answer: (B)
8. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Correlation coefficient i. Frequency distribution that is symmetrical around the mean
b. Standard deviation ii. Measure of dispersion around the mean
c. Normal distribution iii. Quantitative measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables
d. Heritability iv. Proportion of phenotypic variation in a population attributable to genotypic differences
a b c d
(A) iv iii ii i
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) ii i iii iv
(D) iii ii i iv
Answer: (D)
9. This consists of two lists of statements or terms and the candidates has to match an item in
one list with an item in the other:
List – I (Name of the book) List – II (Name of the Author)
a. In pursuit of the past i. Mortimer Wheeler
b. Adam’s Ancestor ii. Lewis Binford
c. Archaeology and Society iii. L.S.B. Leaky
d. The Indus Civilization iv. Graham Clarke
a b c d
(A) ii i iii iv
(B) i iv iii ii
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) iv ii iii i
Answer: (C)
10. Arrange the following in the ascending order as far as the development of evolutionary
List – I (Name of the book) List – II (Name of the Author)
a. In pursuit of the past i. Mortimer Wheeler
b. Adam’s Ancestor ii. Lewis Binford
c. Archaeology and Society iii. L.S.B. Leaky
d. The Indus Civilization iv. Graham Clarke
a b c d
(A) ii i iii iv
(B) i iv iii ii
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) iv ii iii i
Answer: (C)
10. Arrange the following in the ascending order as far as the development of evolutionary
thought is concerned:
(A) Jean Baptise – Darwin – Comte de Buffon – Stebbins
(B) Comte de Buffon – Darwin – Stebbins – Jean Baptise
(C) Comte de Buffon – Jean Baptise – Darwin – Stebbins
(D) Jean Baptise – Darwin – Stebbins – Comte de Buffon
Answer: (C)
(A) Jean Baptise – Darwin – Comte de Buffon – Stebbins
(B) Comte de Buffon – Darwin – Stebbins – Jean Baptise
(C) Comte de Buffon – Jean Baptise – Darwin – Stebbins
(D) Jean Baptise – Darwin – Stebbins – Comte de Buffon
Answer: (C)
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