1. Which of the following decreases group cohesiveness?

(A) Agreement on group goals
(B) Frequency of interaction
(C) Large group size
(D) All the above

2. Managers subscribing to ______ assumptions attempt to structure, control and closely supervise their employees.

(A) Theory ‘X’
(B) Theory ‘Y’
(C) Both Theory ‘X’ and Theory ‘Y’
(D) Neither Theory ‘X’ nor Theory ‘Y’

3. According to Fiedler’s Contingency Model of Leadership, which one of the following is a situational variable?

(A) Leader – Member relationship
(B) Organisational System
(C) Degree of task structure
(D) Leader’s position power

4. The right sequence of steps in Kurt Lewin’s change procedure is

(A) Unfreezing – Moving – Freezing
(B) Moving – Unfreezing – Freezing
(C) Unfreezing – Freezing – Moving
(D) Freezing – Moving – Unfreezing

5. Which of the following is not a traditional method of organisational development?

(A) Survey feedback
(B) Sensitivity training
(C) Process consultation
(D) Managerial grid

6. The problem of industrial discipline was debated by the Indian Labour Conference (ILC) 
held in India in

(A) 1948
(B) 1952
(C) 1957
(D) 1960

7. Benefits provided for temporary and permanent disability disfigurement, medical expenses and medical rehabilitation is referred to as

(A) Fringe benefits
(B) Financial incentives
(C) Workers’ compensation
(D) None of the above

8. Negotiation of labour contract by Union and Management is referred to as

(A) Industrial Relations
(B) Trade Union
(C) Consumerism
(D) Collective Bargaining

9. A test which measure, what it is intended to measure is

(A) Reliable test
(B) Standardised test
(C) Objective test
(D) Valid test

10. An enquiry that is conducted afresh because of the objections raised by alleged employee is called

(A) Domestic enquiry
(B) De-novo enquiry
(C) Ex-parte enquiry
(D) None of the above