51. The ability to access the capabilities over the network through standard mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous thin or thick client platform is:
(a) On demand service
(b) Rapid elasticity
(c) Ubiquitous Network Access
(d) Location Independent Resource Pooling
Answer: (c)
52. A grouping of services or service components that have specific delivery commitments and roles identified with the customer is:
(a) Service Level Agreements
(b) Service Level Management
(c) Service Level Management Objective
(d) Services Portfolio
Answer: (a)
53. The period of time within which systems, applications or functions must be recovered after an outage is:
(a) Mean Time to Recover
(b) Recovery Time Objective
(c) Recovery Point Objective
(d) Mean Time Return Failure
Answer: (b)
54. The chargeback scheme where the IT costs are defined in measurable events, transactions and functions that are relevant to the business and outside the IT organization is:
(a) Resource or usage based
(b) Allocation based
(c) Activity based costing
(d) Product or service based
Answer: (d)
55. The use of distributed computing facilities for application requiring large computing power over a long period of time is:
(a) High-Performance Computing
(b) High-Throughput Computing
(c) Many Tasks Computing
(d) Distributed Computing
Answer: (b)
56. A small change in either the plaintext or the key producing a significant change in the ciphertext is called:
(a) Feistel effect
(b) Claude Shannon effect
(c) Bit independence effect
(d) Avalanche effect
Answer: (d)
57. Finding an effective linear equation between plaintext, ciphertext and the key that holds with probability 𝑝 ≠0.5 is the objective of:
(a) Differential Cryptanalysis
(b) Linear Cryptanalysis
(c) Brute-Force Attack
(d) Feistel Analysis
Answer: (b)
58. During the design of 𝑆 -boxes used in various cryptographic algorithms, if for a 1-bit input change, at least 𝜋 output bits change, then it satisfies:
(a) Strict avalanche criterion
(b) Bit independence criterion
(c) Permutation criterion
(d) Guaranteed avalanche criterion
Answer: (d)
59. The block cipher mode of operation used for encryption of stream-oriented transmission over noisy channel is:
(a) Electronic Codebook
(b) Output Feedback
(c) Cipher Feedback
(d) Cipher Block Chaining
Answer: (b)
60. A popular approach to generating a secure pseudorandom number is known as:
(a) Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG)
(b) Linear Congruential Generator (LCG)
(c) True Random Number Generator (TRNG)
(d) Blum, Blum, Shub Generator (BBS)
Answer: (d)
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