1. Human placenta is derived from ……….

A) Amnion 
B) Allantosis
C) Chorion 
D) Amnion & Chorion

Answer: (C)

2. Embryonic development includes first ………development.

A) Week 
B) Two months
C) Two weeks 
D) Nine months

Answer: (B)

3. Heart develops during…………..month of fetal development.

A) First 
B) Second
C) Fourth 
D) Third

Answer: (A)

4. Which type of tissue give rise to bones and cartilages?

A) Ectoderm 
B) Endoderm
C) Mesoderm 
D) Ovum

Answer: (C)

5. Formation of primitive streak marks the beginning of ……….

A) Neuraltion 
B) Notochord Formation
C) Folding 
D) Gastrulation

Answer: (D)

6. Middle piece of sperm contains ………..

A) Mitochondria and Golgi body 
B) Centriole and Golgi body
C) Mitochondria and axial filament 
D) Axial filament and Golgi body

Answer: (C)

7. Secondary spermatocytes are …………..

A) Diploids 
B) Haploids
C) Tetraploids 
D) Triploids

Answer: (B)

8. First ever menstruation in woman life is known as ……..

A) Menopause 
B) Ovulation
C) Oogenesis 
D) Menarche

Answer: (D)

9. Central nervous system is derivative of……..

A) Mesoderm 
B) Endoderm
C) Ovum 
D) Ectoderm

Answer: (D)

10. The lytic enzyme released by sperm is…...

A) Hyaluronidase 
B) Tripsin
C) Lipase 
D) Amylase

Answer: (A)