1. Select the correct chronological sequence of the western monuments:

(A) Parthenon of Acropolis, Colloseum of Rome, Hagia Sophia, Cathedral of Rheims

(B) Colloseum of Rome, Hagia Sophia, Cathedral of Rheims, Parthenon of Acropolis

(C) Cathedral of Rheims, Parthenon of Acropolis, Colloseum of Rome, Hagia Sophia

(D) Hagia Sophia, Cathedral of Rheims, Parthenon of Acropolis, Colloseum of Rome

Answer: (A)

2. Select the correct sequence of painting on Sistine Chapel according to Bible:

(A) Creation of Eve, Creation of Adam, fall and Expulsion from Paradise, The sacrifice of Noah

(B) Creation of Adam, Creation of Eve, fall and Expulsion from Paradise, The sacrifice of Noah

(C) Creation of Eve, fall and Expulsion from Paradise, Creation of Adam, The sacrifice of Noah

(D) The Sacrifice of Noah, Creation of Adam, Creation of Eve, fall and Expulsion from Paradise

Answer: (B)

3. Choose the correct sequence of artists in chronological order:

(A) Donatello, Luca Della Robbia, Bernini, Medardo Rosso.

(B) Luca Della Robbia, Donatello, Bernini, Medardo Rosso.

(C) Luca Della Robbia, Bernini, Donatello, Medardo Rosso.

(D) Donatello, Bernini, Luca Della Robbia, Medardo Rosso.

Answer: (A)

4. Choose the correct sequence in chronological order:

(A) Renaissance Art, Roman Art, Romanesque Art, Byzantine Art

(B) Roman Art, Renaissance Art, Byzantine Art, Romanesque Art.

(C) Romanesque Art, Roman Art, Renaissance Art, Byzantine Art

(D) Roman Art, Byzantine Art, Romanesque Art, Renaissance Art

Answer: (D)

5. Select the correct sequence in chronological order:

(A) Cubism, Impressionism, Constructivism, Dadaism

(B) Impressionism, Cubism, Constructivism, Dadaism

(C) Constructivism, Cubism, Impressionism, Dadaism

(D) Dadaism, Constructivism, Impressionism, Cubism

Answer: (B)

6. Select the correct chronological sequence of the print makers:

(A) Vilas Shinde, Rini Dhumal, Kavita Nayar, Palaniappan

(B) Rini Dhumal, Vilas Shinde, Palaniappan, Kavita Nayar

(C) Rini Dhumal, Palaniappan, Vilas Shinde, Kavita Nayar

(D) Palaniappan, Kavita Nayar, Vilas Shinde, Rini Dhumal

Answer: (B)

7. Select the correct sequence of material used for aquatint:

(A) Nitric acid, Printing, Ground, Resin dust

(B) Resin dust, Ground, Nitric acid, Printing

(C) Printing, Ground, Resin dust, Nitric acid

(D) Ground, Resin dust, Nitric acid, printing

Answer: (B)

8. Select the correct sequence of material used in lithography:

(A) Carborundum powder, Arabic gum, Tusche, Wash out solution

(B) Wash out solution, Arabic gum, Tusche, Carborundum powder

(C) Tusche, Wash out solution, Arabic gum, Carborundum powder

(D) Arabic gum, Tusche, Carborundum powder, Wash out solution

Answer: (A)

9. Correct sequence:

The main verbal elements in print ad are:

(A) Body copy, Sub-headline, Slogan, Headline

(B) Slogan, Sub-headline, Bodycopy, Headline

(C) Sub Headline, Body copy, Slogan, Headline

(D) Headline, Sub-headline, Body copy, Slogan

Answer: (D)

10. Rearrange in order of communication process:

(A) Encoding, Sender, Receiver, Channel

(B) Channel, Sender, Encoding, Receiver

(C) Sender, Encoding, Channel, Receiver

(D) Channel, Receiver, Sender, Encoding

Answer: (C)