1. Accidental happenings or happenings without reasoning come under_______.

A) Kala 
B) Parinam
C) Yadruchcha 
D) Ishwar

Answer: (c)

2. Dharmdharma nimitta is directly related with_______.

A) Ishwar 
B) Swabhava
C) Kala 
D) Niyati

Answer: (d)

3. Which of the following options is most appropriate regarding similarity between
Prakruti & Purusha?

A) Both Aling 
B) Both Sarvagat
C) Both Apar 
D) All A,B & C

Answer: (d)

4. Which of the following is not related to Prakruti?.

A) Single in number 
B) Achetana
C) Beeja dharmini 
D) Madhyasthadharmi

Answer: (d)

5. Which of the following is not the feature of Purusha?

A) Bahav 
B) Chetan
C) Prasava dharmi 
D) Madhyasthadharmi

Answer: (c)

6. Which of the following options is most appropriate regarding formation of srushti?

A) Prakruti 
B) Purusha
C) Both A & B 
D) None of A & B

Answer: (c)

7. Absence of hairs on palms and soles is the example of _______.

A) Niyati 
B) Swabhava
C) Yadruchcha 
D) Ishwar

Answer: (b)

8. Concept of Panchbhoutiki chikitsa is expressed by Sushruta in which adhyaya of sharirsthana?

A) First 
B) Second
C) Third 
D) Fourth

Answer: (a)

9. In mritashodhana, what is the intention to keep cadaver in water_____.

A) Kothan 
B) Pidan
C) Mardan 
D) Daran

Answer: (a)

10. Swadhatusamavarnani is the feature of _____.

A) Sira 
B) Dhamani
C) Srotas 
D) Peshi

Answer: (c)