1. According to Rachana, Aavarta is ______type of marma.

A) Sandhi 
B) Asthi
C) Mamsa 
D) Snayu

Answer: (A)

2. According to Rachana, Adhipati is ______type of marma..

A) Sira 
B) Sandhi
C) Asthi 
D) Mamsa

Answer: (B)

3. According to Rachana, Janu is ______type of marma.

A) Snayu 
B) Asthi
C) Mamsa 
D) Sandhi

Answer: (D)

4. ‘Sadyah Pranahar Marma’ is dominated by which of the following Mahabhuta?

A) Agni 
B) Soma
C) Vayu 
D) Pruthvi

Answer: (A)

5. “Kalantar Pranahar Marma” is dominated by which of the following Mahabhuta?

A) Ag ni & Soma 
B) Soma & Vayu
C) Agni & Vayu 
D) Vayu & Pruthvi

Answer: (A)

6. “Vishalyaghna Marma” is dominated by which of the following Mahabhuta?

A) Agni 
B) Soma
C) Vayu 
D) Pruthvi

Answer: (C)

7. “Vaiklyakar Marma” is dominated by which of the following Mahabhuta?

A) Agni 
B) Soma
C) Vayu 
D) Pruthvi

Answer: (B)

8. “Rujakar Marma” is dominated by which of the following Mahabhutas?

A) Agni & Soma 
B) Soma & Vayu
C) Agni & Vayu 
D) Vayu & Pruthvi

Answer: (C)

9. Total number of Sadya Pranahar Marma ……….present in the body.

A) 44 
B) 11
C) 19 
D) 26

Answer: (C)

10. Total number of Kalantar Pranahar Marma……….present in the body.

A) 33 
B) 03
C) 20 
D) 44

Answer: (A)