1:-Structure traversing petrotympanic fissure

A:-Chorda tympani N
B:-Arnold's N
C:-Jacobson's N
D:-Posterior tympanic A

Correct Answer:- Option-A

2:-Type C defect in Austin's classification


Correct Answer:- Option-B

3:-Thayer-Martin plate is used for screening pharyngitis caused by

A:-Neisseria gonorrhoea
B:-Group C Streptococcus
C:-Epstein Barr Virus
D:-Chlamydia pneumoneae

Correct Answer:- Option-A

4:-Lemierre syndrome is most commonly caused by

A:-Acinetobacter haemolyticus
B:-Corynebacterium haemolyticus
C:-Bacteroids fragilis
D:-Fusobacterium necrophorum

Correct Answer:- Option-D

5:-Risk of malignancy in asymmetrical adult tonsil with normal mucosa in the absence of cervical lymphadenopathy is


Correct Answer:- Option-C

6:-Regarding Ramsay Hunt syndrome, false statement

A:-LMN facial nerve paralysis
B:-Vesicles around ear
C:-Acyclovir and steroids is the treatment
D:-SNHL usually present

Correct Answer:- Option-D

7:-Hyperacusis in Bell's palsy is due to paralysis of

A:-Tensor tympani
B:-Levator veli palatini
C:-Tensor veli palatini

Correct Answer:- Option-D

8:-Most common site of otosclerosis

A:-Round window
B:-Fissula ante fenestrum
C:-Fissula post fenestrum
D:-Eustachian tube orifice

Correct Answer:- Option-B

9:-Atrophic rhinitis treatment includes all except

A:-Young's operation
B:-Alkaline nasal douche
C:-Vidian neurectomy
D:-25% glucose in glycerine nasal drops

Correct Answer:- Option-C

10:-Thickness of human tympanic membrane

A:-0.1 mm
B:-1 mm
C:-5 mm
D:-10 mm

Correct Answer:- Option-A