1. Which is the normal site of implantation of blastocyst?

A) Anterior wall of body of uterus 
B) Posterior wall of body of uterus
C) Fallopian tube 
D) Lower part of uterus

Answer: (B)

2. Which of the following is a true statement about placenta?

A) It is a temporary organ 
B) It transfers oxygen to the fetus
C) It removes CO2 from the fetus 
D) All of A, B & C

Answer: (D)

3. Notochord develops during……month of fetal development.

A) First 
B) Second
C) Fourth 
D) Third

Answer: (A)

4. All germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm & endoderm present in …….

A) Urachus 
B) Tympanic membrane
C) Heart 
D) Cornea

Answer: (B)

5. Which of the following option is most appropriate regarding formation of Primary villi?

A) Syncytiotrophoblast 
B) Cytotrophoblast
C) Extra embryonic mesoderm 
D) Both A & B

Answer: (D)

6. Morula is ……cells stage.

A) 12 
B) 08
C) 16 
D) 18

Answer: (C)

7. Ligamentum teres is remnant of ………..

A) Lesser omentum 
B) Ductus venosus
C) Left umbilical artery 
D) Left umbilical vein

Answer: (D)

8. Ligamentum venosum is remnant of……..

A) Ductus arteriosus 
B) Left umbilical artery
C) Ductus venosus 
D) Lesser omentum

Answer: (C)

9. Ligamentum arteriosum is remnant of___________.

A) Ductus arteriosus 
B) Left umbilical artery
C) Ductus venosus 
D) Lesser omentum

Answer: (A)

10. Which of the following structure is not related to placental barrier?

A) Fetal blood vessels 
B) Intra -embryonic mesoderm
C) Syncytium & cytotrophoblast 
D) Extra -embryonic mesoderm

Answer: (B)