1. In suspected infanticide the displacement of Wharton’s jelly is suggestive of attempt of …

A) Head injuries 
B) Strangulation
C) Smothering 
D) poisoning

Answer: (B)

2. In precipitated labour ……is not seen in infant.

A) Caput succedaneum 
B) head injury
C) fracture in skull 
D) hematoma

Answer: (A)

3. …….does not falls under the criteria of primary identification data.

A) Age 
B) Sex
C) Finger print 
D) Stature

Answer: (C)

4. The skull of Negroids are…….

A) Meso-cephalic 
B) Brachy-cephalic
C) Dalico-cephalic 
D) Mono-cephalic

Answer: (C)

5. The cephalic index of Caucasians is …….

A) 75-80 
B) 70-75
C) 80-85 
D) 65-70

Answer: (A)

6. Short upper and lower extremities are the characteristic of ……..

A) Indians 
B) Negroids
C) Caucasians 
D) Mangoloids

Answer: (D)

7. Proportionately longer leg than thigh is characteristic of…….

A) Indians 
B) Negroids
C) Caucasians 
D) Mangoloids

Answer: (B)

8. Brachial index is an indices measured from…..

A) skull 
B) long bone of upper extremities
C) long bone of lower extremities 
D) long bone of upper & lower extremities

Answer: (B)

9. Crural index is an indices measured from…..

A) skull 
B) long bone of upper extremities
C) long bone of lower extremities 
D) long bone of upper & lower extremities

Answer: (C)

10. The Blumen Back’s classification of race is based on ….

A) colour of skin 
B) colour of hair
C) colour of iris 
D) Indices of bone

Answer: (A)