1. Which of the following is the best choice of chelation therapy in acute leadpoisoning?

D) Penicillamine

Answer: (C)

2. Which of the following is the toxic organic compound of lead?

A) Lead acetate 
B) Tetraethyl lead
C) Lead oxide 
D) Lead sulphide

Answer: (B)

3. Blastophoric effect on spermatozoa is seen in .........chronic poisoning.

A) lead 
B) Arsenic
C) copper 
D) Mercury

Answer: (D)

4. Aminoleuvelinic acid dehydratase enzyme is mainly deactivated in lead poisoning, which leads to......

A) oesteopathy 
B) Hypertension
C) encephalopathy 
D) Anaemia

Answer: (D)

5. Activated charcoal is ………….. type of physical antidote.

A) bulky food 
B) Adsorbent
C) demulcent 
D) Diluents

Answer: (B)

6. Which of the following is the example of chemical antidote?

A) Inj. BAL in mercury poisoning 
B) CuSO4 in phosphorus poisoning
C) Inj. Physostigmine in Dhatura Poisoning
D) Barbiturates in strychnine poisoning

Answer: (B)

7. Vineyard sprayer's lung disease is the result of ....chronic poisoning

A) Lead 
B) Arsenic
C) Phosphorus 
D) copper

Answer: (D)

8. Which of the following toxic element is highly reactive to air?

A) Mercury 
B) Phosphorus
C) Lead 
D) Copper

Answer: (B)

9. Which of the following is used as chemical antidote in phosphorus poisoning?

A) Potassium permanganate 
B) Calcium gluconate
D) Magnesium sulphate

Answer: (A)

10. Which of the following symptom is seen in phossy jaw?

A) carious teeth 
B) gingivitis
C) furred tongue 
D) burtonian lines on gums

Answer: (B)