1. Mrudu Samvahan and Teevra Samvahan are the types mentioned by Acharya…..

A) Charak 
B) Sushruta
C) Vagbhat 
D) Sharangdhar

Answer: (B)

2. Keeping of Snehakyukta gauze piece on scalp region is called as………

A) Shiroabhyang 
B) Shirahseka
C) Shiropichu 
D) Shirobasti

Answer: (C)

3. According to Dalhan 1 Matra = ……………seconds.

A) 19/60 
B) 9/60
C) 29/60
D) 39/60

Answer: (A)

4. Mastishkya is the synonym of ……….

A) Shirorog
B) Shirolepa
C) Shiroabhyanga
D) Shiropichu

Answer: (B)

5. “Snehanam Sneha Vishyandan …………Kleda Karakam

A) Gouravam
B) Laghavam
C) Mardavam
D) Bruhanam

Answer: (C)

6. Sneha does Balya and Sandhan Karma by its ……..property.

A) Drava
B) Sara
C) Sukshma
D) Picchil

Answer: (D)

7. According to Karmukatwa, there are ………Sthavar Snehashaya mentioned by Acharya Sushruta.

A) 8
B) 10
C) 12
D) 14

Answer: (C)

8. 2,4,and 6 Pala Matra of Sneha is mentioned in………….as a Hrusiyasi Matra.

A) Charaksamhita
B) Sushrutasmhita
C) Sharangdharsamhita
D) Ashtang Hruday

Answer: (D)

9. ………….Pakyukta Sneha when ingested, it increases Agnimandya.

A) Mrudu
B) Madhya
C) Aam
D) Manda

Answer: (C)

10. ………….Pakyukta Sneha when ingested, it increases Daha.

A) Chikkan
B) Dagdha
C) Khara
D) Kharachikkan

Answer: (D)