1. Kutaki possesses the property of...............

A) Anuloman 

B) Sramsana

C) Bhedana 

D) Rechan

Answer: (C)

2. Aragwadha possesses the property of.............

A) Anuloman 

B) Sransana

C) Bhedana 

D) Bhedana

Answer: (B)

3. Haritaki possesses the property of...............

A) Anuloman 

B) Sransana

C) Bhedana 

D) Bhedana

Answer: (A)

4. The Last (Anta) expelled Dravya in Samyak Virechana is ……

A) Vatant 

B) Pittant

C) Kaphant 

D) Raktant

Answer: (C)

5. The Sneha Vishrama Deena during Virechana is ……….

A) 1 day 

B) 5 day

C) 3day 

D) 7 day

Answer: (C)

6. Praskandan is synonyms for

A) Vaman

 B) Virechan

 C) Basti

 D) Nasya

Answer: (B)

7. Uttam matra of Kwath for virechan according Acharya Sharangdhar is…

A) 1pala 

B) 2pala

C) 3pala 

D) 4pala

Answer: (B)

8. The Atiyoga Lakshana of Virechana are homologus to AtiyogaLakshanas of

A) Vaman 

B) Niruha Basti

C) Anuvasan Basti

 D) Nasya

Answer: (B)

9. Virechan Should be done after ……days after Vaman

A) 60 day 

B) 30 day

C) 10 day 

D) 15 day

Answer: (D)

10. Before performing Virechana, the patient should be kept ….on Virechana day

A) Niranna (Empty stomach) 

B) GhritayuktaYavagu

C) LavanaJala 

D ) Madhu

Answer: (A)