1. Arrange the following works of Bronislaw Malinowski in the order in which they were 


(i) A Scientific Theory of Culture

(ii) Argonauts of the Western Pacific

(iii) The Dynamics of Culture Change

(iv) A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term

(A) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(C) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

(D) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

Answer: (A)

2. Identify the order in which the following concepts made their appearance:

I. Evolutionism

II. Diffusionism

III. Structuralism

IV. Functionalism

(A) Diffusionism – Evolutionism – Functionalism – Structuralism

(B) Diffusionism – Evolutionism – Structuralism – Functionalism

(C) Evolutionism – Diffusionism – Structuralism – Functionalism

(D) Evolutionism – Diffusionism – Functionalism – Structuralism

Answer: (D)

3. Arrange the following kin groups in an ascending order:

I. Moiety

II. Clan

III. Phratry

IV. Lineage

(A) Lineage – Clan – Phratry – Moiety

(B) Lineage – Clan – Moiety – Phratry

(C) Clan – Lineage – Moiety – Phratry

(D) Clan – Lineage – Phratry – Moiety

Answer: (A)

4. Arrange the following societies in an ascending order:

(A) Horticulturist – Forager – Pastoralist – Agriculturist

(B) Horticulturist – Forager – Agriculturist – Pastoralist

(C) Forager – Horticulturist – Agriculturist – Pastoralist

(D) Forager – Horticulturist – Pastoralist – Agriculturist

Answer: (D)

5. Arrange the following pioneers in an ascending order on the basis of their contributions:

(A) Hardy – Weinberg – Watson & Crick – Karry Mullis – Mendel

(B) Mendel – Hardy – Weinberg – Watson & Crick – Karry Mullis

(C) Watson & Crick – Hardy – Weinberg – Mendel – Karry Mullis

(D) Karry Mullis – Watson & Crick – Hardy – Weinberg – Mendel

Answer: (B)

6. Identify the correct sequence of the following in the descending order based on their    

     genetic  relatedness:

(A) Gibbon – Orang utan – Gorilla – Chimpanzee – Human

(B) Gorilla – Chimpanzee – Orang utan – Human – Gibbon

(C) Human – Chimpanzee – Gorilla – Orang utan – Gibbon

(D) Human – Gorilla – Chimpanzee – Orang utan – Gibbon

Answer: (C)

7. Identify the correct sequence of the following fossils in terms of their appearance on the  


(A) Australopithecus – Homo habilis – Homo erectus – Neanderthal man – CroMagnon

(B) Homo habilis – Australopithecus – Homo erectus – Neanderthal man – CroMagnon

(C) Australopithecus – Neanderthal man – Homo habilis – CroMagnon – Homo erectus

(D) CroMagnon – Homo erectus – Neanderthal man – Homo habilis – Australopithecus

Answer: (A)

8. Arrange the following in the correct sequence:

(A) Cell membrane – Cytoplasm – Nucleus – Chromosome

(B) Chromosome – Nucleus – Cell membrane – Cytoplasm

(C) Cell membrane – Nucleus – Chromosome – Cytoplasm

(D) Cytoplasm – Cell membrane – Nucleus – Chromosome

Answer: (A)

9. Arrange the following pluvial periods of Africa in the correct sequence:





Answer: (A)

10. Arrange the following prehistoric tool-making technologies in the correct sequence:

(A) Clactonian – Levalloisian – Stone hammer – Cylinder hammer

(B) Stone hammer – Cylinder hammer – Clactonian – Levalloisian

(C) Cylinder hammer – Levalloisian – Clactonian – Stone hammer

(D) Stone hammer – Clactonian – Cylinder hammer – Levalloisian

Answer: (B)